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Vicky Kuruc <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Aug 2003 20:53:37 +0000
text/plain (18 lines)
You werent to blame.  Even if you think you have every single thing
that can cause a ferret accident covered, you dont, it is why I use my
signature.  My King Tut when he was about 1 year old broke the thigh bone
on his right hind leg.  cost over $300 for the specialty vet to set it
and pin it, he showed me the wire they used to pin it with for those
little bones, it was very tiny.  The vet said it was hard to break that
bone, but Tutt did it anyway, and the only thing I could figure that even
made sense was that he jumped off his cage (he loved to climb on it and
jump off, it was a 4 story job) and had to have landed wrong or got his
leg stuck in one of the cage wires as he jumped, he couldnt tell me so I
never figured it out, but there is no absolutely safe place for a very
curious and active critter like our babies, we just do the best we can
to protect them.
"Ferret-Proof isn't"
[Posted in FML issue 4234]