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Peg Francisco <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Oct 2003 22:26:20 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
It was five years ago that Kevin and Julie at West Valley Wuzzles in
Phoenix posted on the FML that they had a litter of kits, and would be
posting new pictures each day on their website.  I decided to take a
look, and got hooked!
I watched those kits grow and start to learn how to be ferrets - it was
amazing!  And I knew I wanted to continue that journey with one of them,
so a silver mitt blaze baby boy came to live us.  He had a silvery spot
the size of a nickel on each cheek, instead of wearing a mask, so I named
him Smudge.
Smudgie was treated with love from the moment he was born, and trusted
more than any ferret I've ever met.  He loved people and willingly went
to anybody new to be cuddled and give kisses.  He was more than a year
old before I realized he was deaf!  He never bit, never nipped... just
danced to the beat of a different drummer.  Didn't really play much with
the other guys - he was a people ferret.
About a year ago, he began developing cataracts, and although his eyes
and ears didn't work, his nose worked just fine.  He cruised around the
house, played with the cat, stole things and gave the best ferrety
kisses.  We dealt with chronic diarrhea and gastric ulcers over the past
six months; he'd get better for a while, but slowly continued to decline.
Smudge went to see his vet again this evening; Dr Ross and I were going
to talk about the next action to take with his treatment.  Found a mass
in his abdomen; ultrasound showed something that Dr Ross suspected would
turn out to be lymphoma.  We decided to put him on Pred and just keep him
comfortable, figuring he had a couple of months, but Smudgie had his own
agenda, and on the way home he died.
Smudge danced to a drummer only he could hear, and made the choice to be
with his old friend Ragamuffin at the Bridge.
Shmoo-ster, I'm missing your kisses and the "piglet" noises you made when
I cuddled you on your back; but you knew you were ready to go, and a
piece of my heart went with you....
Sandee, please help Smudge hook up with Ragamuffin.  Show him the sights,
and let him hear all the sounds; and I know they'll dance happily
together in the sun....
Missing our Shmoo-boy,
Peg Francisco
The Perrysburg Polecats - Freckles, Frolic, Jersey, Snickers and Smudge
Doppler the Bengal cat Ferret Wannabe
[Posted in FML issue 4297]