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mark hei <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 00:41:40 -0400
text/plain (43 lines)
- Shame on you, Matan, for being stubborn and causing possible harm to
  your ferret
- Now, do good for your little ferret and give her what she needs to
  make her better and provide the best possible life for her
- End her suffering by taking care of her and get help from a Vet or
  Ferret Expert
- See through your illogical beliefs which are clearly a projection of a
  human's needs onto a unique type of animal (ferrets are NOT humans and
  require different lifelong items for a healthy stay on this Earth) and
  do good for your girl ferret
- You are truly missing the point if you have reduced that little life's
  meaning to a business venture selling ferrets (that is what it sounds
  like to me! am I right?)
- When you make the decision to take care of a pet, you should see it
  through, or you are being a bad, ignorant person, regardless of your
  belief system.
- My ferrets are part of my family and I love and take care of them with
  all my resources and heart
- I have never met a ferret I didn't like
- Open up your eyes, man! Your ferret can speak to you!  need only listen
- She can teach you things which will make you a better person.
- She can show you how to look beyond your selfish beliefs, which are
  fabricated by man, and serve the other parts of this Earth, and its
  wonders and inhabitants.
- She can make you a better family member and make you kinder to your =
  friends.  She can show you how to love!
- An animal is NOT a person, and every one is different, with different
- Humans try to understand each animal, and in that pursuit, collect
  information on how to take care of them.
- If you are not listening to that information, it is no less abusive
  than experimenting on an animal or human with an unknown procedure or
So, please, WAKE UP!  TALK TO SOMEONE YOU LOOK UP TO and listen to them!
Hug your girl for me,
Mark H.
[Posted in FML issue 3452]