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Thu, 6 Jun 1996 12:48:01 -0700
Allison Wallace <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Say Hello to my group everyone:)
Our names ranking by age are Dizzy (5) Pogo (3) Dunkin(2) Patches (2) Beeper
(1 1/2) and Rainy (9 mon.) There positions in life are to make myself and my
SO think twice about how serious life can be:) Our little speed bumps follow
all the rules of the ever diligent FLO movement, and seem to be in kahoots
with some of the others out there in fert-land.
As I read the FML all things considered I feel, cry, laugh, and pray with
you all as each letter comes daily, and feel now that "yes" there are some
people out there who are as insame as we are in bringing these creatures
into ou lives.
Just a thought or two;
1. PawPaw MeeMaw Tater and Odie I have been following you guys since before
the run by Moosing to having to leave the FML to the mouth to mouth
regurgitation. I tell you I sure enjoy hearing about you guys, it's
guarenteed to bring a smile to my face.
2. Dayna and Foggy and the other kids, Words cant say how we feel about you
and your special touch. I pray that all lost fuzzies could find someone as
special as you to help them make it in this world!!! Dooks up! Good luck in
your efforts to legalize ferts. "A fert every day makes the sadness go away!"
3. to all of you who post even only one or twice; we have all found one of
the greatest miricles in life and yes it's smaller than a bread box.
GIG thanks for simply being!
Allison and
Dizzy - Pick me up I'm princess
Pogo - All toys are mine because I'm oldest
Dunkin - Hey whats that wonderful smell coming from the garbage?
Patches - I don't have an attitude problem...
Beeper - What do you mean I cant eat the soap.
Rainy - I was born to be a football player..down, set, TACKLE!
[Posted in FML issue 1593]