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Fri, 22 Mar 2002 13:40:45 -0700
text/plain (55 lines)
It is with a heavy heart that I write to tell you that Lace, my 11 year
old gal, had to be euthanized Friday morning.  Lace had been diagnosed
with fibrosarcoma of the upper palate back in early February.  I tried
what surgical options were available to me, as well as some herbal
remedies as well.  Unfortunately, it all caught up with her this morning
when she appeared dizzy.  I rushed her to the vet where I was told that
her cancer had probably invaded her inner ear and was well on its way to
her brain... there was no other option, and euthanizing her was the
kindest thing I could do for her now.
I will miss her terribly so... she was the smartest ferret I have ever
come across.  She had an ability to communicate all of her needs to you
to well, and she also seemed to understand what I had to say to her too.
She was tiny but feisty for an old gal and even at 11, could defend
herself against any of the other ferrets who were much younger and a whole
lot bigger.  She was the truest form of life and of love and losing her is
the worst thing I have had to deal with yet.
I don't know how I am going to break it to hubby, who had to go out of
town again.  He didn't want to leave her, but he knew he had to.  I dread
the conversation we will have to have but I also know that he will want
to know, and that it is so very important for us to share her life and
her death together, even if it means that we are so far apart from one
Lace was such a special little lady... she love to sleep with us at night
along with her buddy Bella, whom we lost just a short time ago.  The two
of them were inseparable, and I worried for Lace when we lost Bella.  But
Lace seemed to understand and found us as Bella's replacement.
I will always remember the way she tilted her head to one side to let us
know she was listening, and that she was understanding what we were
saying.  I will always remember that she was gentle and kind, and so very
loving.  She was easy going and loved to be held and cuddled.  One of my
fondest memories of her will be how she defended her piece of licorice
from all the other ferrets.  Her squeaks and squeals were hilarious... I
didn't know that ferrets could make so many different sounds as she could.
I am so glad I have her on video...
I want to thank everyone who tried to help me with her disease, especially
to Alicia Drakiotes who sent me some herbal tea and a beautiful sleepy sac
for Lace.  Although she only got to enjoy it for a short period of time, I
know that Lace knew it was for her.
Beautiful Lace... old and as fine and delicate, and as complex as the ones
my mother use to make.  I will miss you honey... Please remember that I
will always love you and that I tried so very hard to help you through
your last days... forgive me.  Send Bella our love... You will never be
betty and her blur o'fur
for the love of ferrets...
sick, old, dying, unwanted... they are all equal in my eyes.
[Posted in FML issue 3730]