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"Reet ..." <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 21:26:22 PDT
text/plain (23 lines)
Well it's me again, and me and Dexxy seem to have a small problem.
I believe I mentioned the rogue ferret that raids our trash?  Well, he's
turned up again, and we currently have him here.  I can't let him out as
he's been causing trouble around the neighbourhood.  We are thinking of
adopting him but we aren't sure.  He seems happy to run around when we first
got him but has starting hissing at us and attempting a couple of bites.
We're not too sure.  I think it's male, appears to be nutered but I could be
wrong.  I let him and Dex together, they sniffed around for a bit then Dex
started picking a fight.  I'm not sure if it is play-fighting or what, but
I seperated them.  The big one got Dex in a bearhug type grip and was
(nipping?) the back of his neck.
Is this normal 'getting to know each other' behaviour is is it a sign they
don't like each other?  Can two males (one definatly, one maybe, nutered)
live together ok or will they get territorial and fight?  Will I need
another cage?
Thanks, hope to hear from you soon
- Reet
[Posted in FML issue 2386]