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Stephanie Mudgett <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Mar 1996 20:26:34 -0500
text/plain (40 lines)
Someone out there asked if there are any ferret events scheduled for New
Hampshire and we are excited to report that, yes, there will be a
       FERRET FUN DAY on Saturday, May 18, 1996 from 1-4 p.m.
       at the North Conway Community Center
       in North Conway, NH.
All ferrets and their owners are invited to attend.  There will be contests
and prizes and raffles and vendors selling ferret stuff.  Ferret shelter and
clubs will be represented too.
Now I have a challenge for all of you FMLers....I'm looking for different
contests to hold for the ferrets!  Please e-mail me directly so as not to
clutter this list, unless BIG thinks it would be interesting to hear some of
your ideas.  So far we have the paper bag escape, the paper cup tip, the
remote control (or car keys) steal, the usual blackest nose, longest tail,
best costume, etc., but I'd really like some creative and different
contests.  So think up some good ones and let me know!
Also, if there are any of you out there that sell or make ferret products
and would be interested in reserving a table in order to sell your
ferret-related stuff only, please contact me.  I have sent TONS of letters
out over the past month or two, but cannot possibly get to you all, so if I
have missed you and you read this, just e-mail me and I'll send you details.
The more the better--I want a great turnout.  This event will be advertised
all over New England and the papers will be there to record the event!
Another idea is if anyone has any ferret related item they would like to
donate to be used as a prize or a raffle, I'd love to hear from you too.
By the way, all proceeds from this event are going to support the N.H.
ferret shelters and believe me, they need the support.  So if you can be
supportive by attending; coming up with ideas for contests; volunteering; or
donating items--I would really appreciate it.
Hope to hear from you soon and better yet, to see you there!
Stephanie Mudgett
[Posted in FML issue 1494]