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Christina Mearns <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Sep 2003 09:42:58 +0200
text/plain (28 lines)
Before I give you an update on Taz I just wanted to thank all of you for
your help and suggestions.  I would reply to you all individually but
since it would just be repeating myself from this email please accept
this as a reply.
Taz's operation went well.  His 'tumour' turned out to be a huge hair
ball the size of a cocktail saussage that was blocked in his intestine.
The vet has never seen anything that size before!  He kept it and showed
it to us.  It was huge!  He does have hepatitis.  A biopsy was performed
on his liver to see if he had hepatitis before or if it is due to the
blockage.  We will know more in a few days time and what treatment we
will have to give.
We saw Taz last night.  He was still sleepy but opened his eyes and tried
to move a bit when he saw us.  He had to stay there over night and we
will be able to take him home this evening.
Thank you all again for your support.  This was our first big ferret
problem (Luna had an abcess on her heat that has come back twice but
that doesn't take long to treat and she comes home immediately).
Taz, Teddy, Sylvestre, Luna, Bianca
our angels Ruby and Casper
[Posted in FML issue 4261]