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"Juliana Quadrozzi - Georgia Domestic Ferret Association (GDFA)" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 28 Nov 1996 15:13:42 -0500
text/plain (56 lines)
>From:    "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: About ear-mites -- confusing!
I've been using a completely effective topical treatment for ear mites.  My
vet gave me this solution about 6 yrs ago.  The label reads IVOMEC1:10 - 1
drop in each ear, repeat in 2 wks.  This treatment, along w/cleaning the
ferret (including thoroughly washing out the ears w/flea shampoo while
bathing) & having clean bedding, completely eliminated the problem I was
originally having, even though I was regularly bringing in new critters.  It
eraticated even the worst infestations & not one frit ever had a reaction to
the solution.
Check the FAQ.  Acording to the bottle I have, it has a 2 yr refrigerated
shelf life.  I honestly don't remember how much the 1 oz bottle cost, but it
sure goes a long way.
The only trick to this stuff is that you have to warm it to body temperature
before you put it in those sensitive little fuzzy ears.  Tried that once
(dummy) - Gus nearly put a whole in the ceiling.  What you have to do to
warm it up - girls: put it in your bra, boys: put it in your wasteband
(girls can use this method too!  ,<g>) Just a warning, that bottle is REALLY
COLD, so you might put it in your pocket for a little while before assuming
the warming position.  I found that just warming it in your pocket is not
enough to make it comfortable for the frits, it has to be next to your skin.
I can't always rush every found frit straight to the vet, so I'm not taking
any chances of earmites getting in to the environment when new guys come in,
I just treat everybody.  It can't hurt & the frits don't really mind these
drops as long as the solution is warm enough.
>From:    TwoSpooky <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: our shaking babies
LOL.  I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it while I read your post.  I can't
tell you how many calls I've gotten about seisuring (only shaking) & dead
baby kits (not really dead, just sleeping really hard - has anybody warned
you about that?)
I think ferret owners know a lot more about their idiosyncracies than vets
do because we live w/them.  How would a vet know that the only way to keep a
frit still on the scale is to suspend NutriCal (or whatever treat you use)
in front of its face?  I taught my vet the bribe thing & she was very
familiar w/frit meds.
You are a relative newcommer to the world of ferretdom.  These little
masterminds of creativity & determination are going to be teaching you all
kinds of stuff you don't know for a very long time.  Wait till you try
ferret math - now there's a real adventure.
Juliana  *Hon, did you check that turkey before you stuffed it?*
Frodo, Rocks, Anola Gay, SNAFU, FUBAR, Tabu, Chaos & Tuxedo
*my ears don't itch anymore*
*ha ha ha - fooled ya!*
*Happy Turkey Day - what's a turkey?*
[Posted in FML issue 1768]