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Deba Brezden <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 20:04:51 -0700
text/plain (220 lines)
[Moderator's note: This post is over the length limit so it was held a
few days until there was space on the FML.  Tomorrow if there's enough
space I'll insert a long post from Bob Church about ferret nutrition.
It's unmistakably Bob.  BIG]
I do hope you'll permit me, the exceptional expanse required to provide you
all with an immediate 'picture' of my 'self', and I hope also a true sense
of familiarity as well, And allow me the honor, of joinin in };o)
And so, I would like to introduce (or reindroduce) myself now, to the ferret
community in general.  I have parented/studied/advocated/ and loved, the
domestic ferret species (Mustela putorius furo), for over 20 years, and have
had through out that time, the blessing of adopting to my family 17
individuals, each with a unique personality, and different lessons they
would teach me.  I am a Canadian, and while I currently live in BC, I've
over these many years lived in several other provinces/areas.  This time's
also taught me, by necessity, the laws/legislatures/procedures of my own
country, in several regards, including as concerns the ferret.
During the 1980's and early 1990's, I was particularly active within Alberta
ferret issues/advocacy as concerned the actual "legality" of "dept.
fish/wildlife having jurisisdiction over the domestic ferret".  At that time
the ferret was of course, declared 'illegal to keep' within the dept's lists
for 'wildlife pathological *rabies* caution animals'.  Happily, this
situation was successfully rectified in 1990 in Alberta, and indeed has also
been, in several other locations worldwide now, approved by a court, that
such an law regarding the ferret particularly, would be both 'erroneous' and
'void', simply by a perponderance of the evidence showing the ferret to be
fully a"domestic" animal, thereby, being entitled to and indeed bound by,
all of the rights/restrictions set forth by the governing authority
designated over "domestic animal regulations", it's policies/procedures,
receiving the very same regard & treatment as would any other "domestic
animal" kept by man.  It does sadden me deeply however, to see this very
same, so obviously redundant, judicially indefensible, and viciously
discompassionate, < not to mention, stubbornly ignorant and repugnantly
delusional }o( > argument persists even still today, years later now.
Unfortunately, due to becoming disabled through chronic illness, which
struck suddenly and severly, I was out of touch for several years with the
ferret community, and indeed with any community as I was plagued by
intermittent paralysis and was bedridden for a while.  Thankfully, I can
report today however, I've been blessed by God's Grace, and after a few
surgeries/experimenting with treatments, and my retraining in computers (I
had been a zookeeper), I've my health to manageable level focusing on my
'ability' not 'disability'!  Of course, my unexpected lifestyle changes ,
have had absolutely NO effect at all on my ability or desire to have my
'fuzzy' family members throughout!  But, we generally have just kept to
ourselves, 'n fer sure weren't the busy activists.
Today, my own family includes only one member of the ferret persuasion,
three members of the Zebra Finch variety & one big Husky Dog specimen, and
me, a typical average people type.  Our dear furry is one "Ferris", he is a
3 3/4 yr old, tiny neutrd male Sable with an attitude at least 10 x bigger
than he is.  He's vibrantly healthy, spoiled rotten and I do hope happy ;o)
<now grab a ballpeen hammer'n hit my head, knock wood!> and has been an only
fert child with me now for three years.
Up til recently it was impossible for me to obtain internet access, my
situation changed though and just as soon as it did I naturally took to
searchin out ferret related sites I could visit!  At first I was simply
thrilled to see that there were so many, of course, some of these would end
up with my, wishing there had been no reason for them to exist, and others,
would compell me to reach out, and to offer in whatever manner I might be
able to, to assist/support current ferret advocacy issues.  I've sent
private mail already to some folks, both within and too apart from, the FML
to this ends, and have greatly enjoyed meeting all these others who share in
my love and regard for my dear little furo friends.  I look forward, to
meeting even more of you in future.
One of these very special individuals I encountered on my journey, was
Kymberlie Becker, of Pennsylvannia, who heads the IFRIC project/site.
"Meeting" Kymberlie would prove to be a most pleasurable experience for me,
just as I am sure it also has been for many of you as well, and one which
would not only increase my desire to assist in effecting changes for the
ferret, but would also, provide me with an appropriate vehicle to utilize my
various skills/experiences in so doing.  And that brings me to the
"announcement" part of this posting.
It's a distinct honor and pleasure, for me to publicly accept, with my
deepest appreciation, an invitation by IFRIC (i.e. Kymberlie ;o) to be
appointed as Director of the Canadian Chapter of IFRIC.  It is truly, with
highest regard to the intents and purposes of IFRIC, and also with the
utmost respect and admiration, for Kymberlie, and for all who have in the
past, or do at present, also contribute their own participations within
IFRIC, that I accept this appointment, grateful too just for having an
opportunity to demonstrate my love of fuzzles, and repay their's to me.
I enter into this position, sporting a fair balance of both optimisim and
determination, and propelled by love and faith.  In that I do, also have
both education and experience in these specific areas which should prove
beneficial, I approach it with a contemplative enthusiasim, and realizing
the personal commitments involved.
Kymberlie asked me to please pass along a big hello to all the FML!  So,
< HELLO > ;o) and to let ya know she's just been sooooo busy lately and she's
lookin forward to signin up lots'a folks fer IFRIC in the US in the days
ahead!  IFRIC is an "international project" in scope, and an addition of a
separate 'Canadian chapter' in no way affects or changes the current
operation of IFRIC as regards the US and other countries, though it is
certainly intended that all chapters shall work in unison and with close
collaboration, as benefits the efficiacy of IFRIC purposes themselves.  In
speaking for myself, I believe absolutely that the research we are doing, is
vital, valid, and valuable, and has great potential to be used in end, to
elieviate the ongoing persecution,suffering and slaughter of many more
precious and innocent little souls.  I also think that Kymberlie deserves a
great big group hug, from everyone who loves the ferret!  She took a too
cool idea, and ran with it, < and I do mean RAN ;o) > she worked pretty dang
hard me thinks from viewin the results, and she has earned both my respect,
and appreciation, for having done so.  I feel fortunate now for having the
opportunity to work with her, and to know her more personally.  And < THANKS
For those of you who are perhaps unaware of IFRIC, and also for those who as
I've understood, raised some objection/concerns regarding it's impact, I
would like to make clear from the onset here, both a clear definition as
concerns IFRIC intents and purposes, as I understand them to be, and also my
own personal opinions regarding them.
International Ferret Rights Information Center(I.F.R.I.C.),is involved in
comprehensive acquisition/retrieval, disemination/compilation/publication of
scientifically documented data, as concerns rabies, both generally and more
particularly as regards the domestic ferret including both extensive
statistical relevant ratios in contrast species and in evidentuary proofs as
demonstrated by public records of incidence of rabies generally.  Also,
included within the research data IFRIC aquires, is the "current" or the
"actual", procedures/practices that would be followed, at the community
level itself.  All IFRIC research data is confirmed, and is substantiated by
appropriate documentaion prior being entered into the database record.
How's that fer a mouthfull! Thank God I don't gotta say it too often! ;o)=
It boils down to this, the data we gather and organize so we can show to da
whole world, CAN and WILL prove beyond doubt that the much tormented and
maligned, mustela putorius furo, <A.K.A your pet ferret>, when it is
vaccinated against rabies with IMRAB3, poses very little "vector risk".  It
can also show, though only, by very careful and methodical research
techniques, carried out according to acceptable scientific standards, and
encompassing a very vast expanse of the globe, that ferrets just simply ARE
NOT involved in the recorded bite incidents at all most years!  I do
hesitate to say never, but only briefly, cause, I've heard of one report the
CDC says was an "error" of "mistaken identity"!  And I think there was only
ever one other besides that, which I found to 'name' a ferret as the vector,
since about 1957, 'bout when they likely took ta recordkeeping on rabies.
And even if I do concede these 2 <nah 1!> case in this past 40 yrs or more
occuring, It is still, profoundly compelling evidence of a valid scientific
nature, that the ratios of rabies incidence by species clearly shows that
the ferret is of all the least likely vector!
This research, will also have the ability by it's nature, to ascertain and
document, the "actual" procedures/legislatures/enforcements which we see
"are in use as accepted policies" within our local communities, this is
afterall where 'domestic pets' are situated.  The truth is, we do all have
certain laws that are 'there' already to govern domestic ferrets and they
are even Federal laws to boot, (which control <ha> the prov.  laws!) BUT for
some unknown reason, we apparently don't really do that now and thus IT IS A
FREE FOR ALL, "pick a dept/pick a law" ;o( Every community in Canada it
seems, will and does treat domestic ferrets as they choose.  The problem is
that the govt does not want to enforce it's authority on the issue of
ferrets.  If done expertly and expansively, this research is ideal for an
'in your face'-'neon sign' 'available in braille even!' and a 'well ya can't
argue it's right there in B&W' type of evidence which a judicial commitee
can use in effecting legislative change for ferrets.  I'm absolutely
THRILLED by the news of the "compendium" and of the terrific & hardwon
change being undertaken within the laws of both Michigan and Ohio!  However,
I know also, and this research is showing me more each day, that while it is
a most important "battle" we have won here, it's NOT the "war" itself we've
won here yet!  The general "public relations/education", and the
"governmental policies/procedures", must remain as a priority and too be
treated with the same degree of urgency, as before the 'compendenium'.
Though, I do strongly believe and encourage everyone to "utilize" this new
document within their ferret related endeavors extensively, and the more
folks who get the info the better, I urge all to keep it in perspective.  I
would hate to see us become complacent now, indeed this is even more due the
new information source, the very time we must continue to act.  Fact is the
domestic ferret, has for decades, been shrouded in a cloud of mystery, to
the majority of the human public, a cloud seeded with ignorance and ill
will, and carrying a storm load of misinformation.  Unfortuneatly, it is in
fact true that the ferret advocacy we see today, is but yet a movement in
infancy, which only finally saw it's 'birth' in the western world in early
1970's.  Though the domestic ferret has actually enjoyed more humane sorts
of treatment for many more years throughout European countries, there also
has the domestic ferret only recently been afforded the honor of being now
viewed as a "pet", and thereby gaining itself passionate advocates.  In the
past, both here in North America, and even more so in Europe, the lovable
little creature which we all call our .  .  .  (from fert to fuzzy!) was
most often bred in fact as a "Fitch" ferret, (and they DO BITE!  You would
too!) the term is generally discriptive of any mustela putorius furo which
is in purpose 'raised',(caged), specifically for it's pelt.  NOW LISTEN
GANG ;o) PLEASE, Don't be mad at me 'bout it, am jus relay'n da fax!  <me it
makes a very unhappy camper, sigh> as far as I am aware, there is still a
market for fitch fur today.  The term 'fitch' can also be used to describe
ferrets which are bred in Europe specifically for hunting, these animals
however, are not generally caged at all times, and indeed, they must be able
to be handled proficiently by the 'keeper'.  BUT any way ya slice it, fact
is it is only in the last few decades, that the ferret has come to their
natural potential at all.  It will never again digress to where it was, and
forward is where it'll go, but any movement at all requires momemtum, or it
slows, continuing only until it stops.  Myself, I have no intention now of
letting my momentum wain, not til the whole world itself, knows my ferret
friends.  I urge you all, who I know through observing here, LOVE your
babies dearly and care deeply for their kind, please continue to advocate
for them too.
BLAH BLAH BLAH . . .  sorry that last paragrh was a secondthought thing!
And FINALLY, I thank you all who read thru this!  And I solemnly swear. .
I'll never write more than 3 paragraphs in any future post to the FML ;o)
Ferris 'n I are going to soak our typing fingers now!  ( Deba )
You soak yer fingers, I'll dig wit mine! ( Ferris )
We Pray God's Abundant Grace For You All
Ms.Deba Brezden
Director, Canada Chapter IFRIC
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2125]