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Karen Poehlein-Lee <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Oct 2006 21:19:03 -0500
text/plain (52 lines)
I am still getting eggs made and shipped out; I am getting down to the
last of the orders.  Right now I am out of the plastic Easter eggs but
I have more arriving in just a couple of days so I will have my crochet
hook flying again in a couple of days.

I haven't been doing very well, this darn back pain is so difficult
to live with.  I had another nerve block done Sept 26th (this was my
second one) and he put in enough stuff to last me for 2 months and the
after-pain from the procedure and all the extra stuff he put in was bad.
Not going to have a two-month one done anymore.

Also a lot of my time had been pretty well taken up with caring for
Maggie, our old blind ferret angel.  She passed away this past Thursday
and I have been a total mess ever since.  We knew going into it she
didn't have long but she was with us for almost 10 months.  Originally
when we were asked to take her we were told she only had a couple of
weeks left to live but if she had made it to the 18th of this month, it
would have been 10 months we had her.

I have no regrets taking in an old blind ferret, going into it we knew
Maggie was living on borrowed time and I would do it again in an instant
for her or any other elderly ferret; there are a lot of them out there
and they are so receptive to love and kindness.  Maggie was like a little
sponge, every ounce of love and attention you gave her, she soaked it
right up and was ready for more.  If you ever have the opportunity to
take in an oldster, please consider it, they really are so sweet and
there is something very special about the slow steady love from these
old guys.



My famous crochet ferret eggs:


Please, go to the Giving Tree page and select a little ferret to play
Santa to this year.  Read up on what this project is all about or you can
contact me for details.  You can't go wrong spending a few dollars so
some little ferret will rceive something for Christmas this year whether
that be a new piece of beddng, a new toy, or their favorite treat.  This
is a wonderful annual event for shelter and rescue ferrets from all over
the US and Canada

Love costs so little but the benefits are boundless to the little fuzzy
who receives your gift.

[Posted in FML 5390]