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Gail Elsey <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Aug 2004 20:51:03 -0400
text/plain (59 lines)
August 18, 2004
Scales and Tails, Inc.
RE: Summer update
Scales and Tails, Inc. has had a busy summer!  We have helped place
numerous iguanas and other reptiles this summer through the website and
directly through Scales and Tails, Inc.  members.  Ferrets continue to
cycle through "We're up to our ears in ferrets!" to "We don't have any
young ones currently available."  Currently, we are nearly full, with a
wide variety of ages available.
To keep up with the influx of reptiles needing homes, a number of you
have found room for another cage or two.  Thanks to those efforts, we
have been able to expand the number of reptiles we currently hold.
Without the support of our membership, we would be overloaded quickly.
We want to thank out members for their support and efforts.
All in all, this has been the summer of snakes: milk snakes, ball
pythons, black snakes and a Northern Water snake have come through the
system.  Patty K has developed the reputation as the "Snake Lady" at
Newark Humane Society.  She has picked up several snakes this past
month from Newark.  Somehow, an iguana even snuck into her purse.
We have placed at least 7 iguanas directly from our care this summer (and
we are awaiting word about a couple of others).  That may seem like a low
number, but for iguanas, that's fabulous!  Through the website, we have
helped connect 3 other iguanas to new owners this past week alone.
We have developed a relationship with Clifton Animal Control (New
Jersey), and picked up 2 ferrets, a ball python, and an iguana this
past month.  By developing relationships with other animal organizations,
we can network and, hopefully, have more support in the future.  Other
organizations that we helped out this summer include P-U-R-R-S.N' Pups
Animal Rescue Team, Inc (New Jersey) and Oxford Ferret Rescue (Maryland).
Meri rescued an iguana from euthanasia at a vet in PA, so, hopefully, we
have yet another contact.
Right now, we have many animals at the shelter.  There are 20 ferrets in
the system, 8 iguanas, and 4 snakes.  The numbers are pretty low in the
reptile department, thanks to a number of recent adoptions.  I fear that
the cages will be filled shortly L.  We have many young ferrets at the
shelter right now.  Unfortunately, 5 of the youngest were found outside
and need to be in isolation for at least 4 weeks.  We also have several
older and special needs ferrets.  Some of these have been with us for
over 14 months.
All in all, this has been a good summer for Scales and Tails, Inc.  With
autumn fast approaching, the College Dump season has already started.
For the next 6 weeks, the intakes will easily exceed placements.  Please
let us know if you have room to foster!
Gail Elsey
Exotic Pet Rescue, Rehab and Placement, a 501c(3) charity
Iguana Care and Web Organization
"Help the Helpless"
[Posted in FML issue 4609]