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Thu, 10 Nov 2005 07:44:07 -0700
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Date:    Wed, 9 Nov 2005 13:56:42 -0500
From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Devil's Club Supreme
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I'd be inclined to check it in a vet's office due to this situation:
We've gone over this several times in the past.  I was not suggesting for
anyone to us this herb, only for those that do ....they should be aware
of the company not making it any more.  And yes, my vet knows about the
use of this herb with my ferrets!  She has worked with ferrets for around
15 years.  She has seen positive results with my ferrets on Devil's Club
and now when I or anyone else has a ferret with low blood sugar she
suggests they start them on it, specially if preds can be avoided.  It
may not work for some, but it has for mine so I will continue to use if
if I am able to get it!
I have my ferrets' b.s. checked frequently, so am able to monitor the
use of the devils' club.  If the b.s. were to go down, and so far none
of mine have, I would definitely not use it.
Like I said, I am not advising for anyone to use it, only those that are
using it should be aware that they have quit making this herb.
mjo & the zoo: Sassy Too, Scooch, Freda, Gweedo, Cisco, Sadie, Angel, and
the dog Darwin.  R.I.P.  Nipper, Lightning, EZ, Cleo, Phantom, Lady,
Frito, Pepper, Caesar, Bilbo, Frodo, Topanga, Ragine, Tasha, Sabrina,
Sassy Britches, Frosty Pants, Phantom II, Boo Boo, Casper, Rocky, Bear,
and the dogs Garth and Duke
[Posted in FML issue 5058]