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Mon, 8 Sep 1997 22:29:36 -0400
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Someone wanted to know about their ferret only getting along with them and
no one else.  The first ferret we had was Missie, female, born in Tx,
breeder unknown and bought in Mt. as a six week old kit.  She was so sweet
and cute and we just loved her to death.  But, she would attack anyone
coming into the house.  She would bite ankles, feet, climb up in their laps
and pretend to be nice and then bite.  We had her for over four years and
she never changed.  She loved us and it was like she was protecting us.
Even if I were holding her and my husband came up to pet her she would grab
him.  Don't know if it was the breeding or what.  We have four now that
don't bite for any reason.
The other thing I thought I would mention is panty hose.  Bad things to
have around.  Came home from work and while they were laying on the bed
Missitoo started chewing on them.  Before I could pry her mouth open and
get them out she had chewed a hole in them and I was so afraid she would
swollow a peice of the hose before I could get it away from her.  She is
safe and I have one less pair of hose for work!!!!
Happy Kisses to all the fuzzies.
Penny, Burgler, Missitoo, Flower, and Blossom
[Posted in FML issue 2059]