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Tue, 25 May 1999 12:24:40 PDT
meagan quinn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
just had to ask something I never really thought of...
you know how after working out, a long run, excess exercise us humans get
a build up of lacid acid in their muscles--thus: achy/sore muscles?  (also
due to the tearing of the muscle and the repairing process) Well--do
ferrets get sore like we do?
I know after a long long playsession outdoors and running up hills they are
pooped--but i never thought that they might be sore or achy!
I guess I automattically massage their backs when i pick them up--but they
always love that so I don't know if it is needed or not... any answers out
In reference to Sukie's post on adrenal disease: here the stats on my one
- Early neuter?  Yes.
- Source?  Pet Store Upstate NY.  Purchased at 10 weeks.  Arrived in store
           at 9 weeks.  Birthday: 8/95
- Breeder? MF
- Lighting?  Daylight through windows.  Wooden Box to sleep in/under
  Artificial lighting via lamps (non flourescent).
  Did this answer the question right?
- Age at discovery of illness? 2 yrs. 5 months
- At start of symptoms?  3 yrs.  3.5months (maybe sooner.  unsure due loss
of her cagemate in Nov.--thought lethargy/lack of wintercoat due to grief)
- Gender? Female
- How much FULL darkness, as in pitch black?
no artificial full black.  Darkness from PM (shades drawn/no lights) and in
- What foods?  Iams Kitten--first 2.5 years.  Now, TF with a little
  Iams--mixed in.
- How much exercise?  Caged during day (8:30am-6:30pm).  Out all evening
  and overnight.
- If cage then how big a cage so that they can exercise even when in?
New cage: Martins Highrise (as of end April 1999)
Old cage: SuperPet (3'high x 2'wide x 2.5 long).
In cage--rarely exercise. Sleep a lot even with toys.
- How often cuddled and played with and for how long (per day and per
  week)?  per day: at least three hours.  More on weekends.  Less on
  Busy days.
- Have the ferrets been to shows or gatherings with a number of other
  ferrets? Been to one show so far. She lives with two others.
- Past illnesses? cold when 10 weeks old. Coccidia at 2 yr. 7months.
- Shot history?  Babies boosters.  Yearly rabies/distemper.  no reactions.
- General Location?  (state/province, country) NY
- Whatever else you can think of...
  Only true symtoms of adrenal disease: slightly swollen vuvla.  (about
  size of pencil eraser).  Lethargy/thirst minimal.  Only hair loss was
  on toes.  Disease diagnosed during winter: she never got winter coat
  in--stayed with summer coat.  At time of surgery, slight hair loss on
  toes (another place to look for hairloss according to Dr. Weiss).
  Atherwise, healthy--not true when he opened her up!  Two huge tumors on
  both sides.  (glands eight times the size of normal)
Removed Left and 60% of right.  Currently on .5mg of Pediapred to
regulate--retest this week to wean off.
Hope this helps some.  Please contact me if you need more info.  She is
fat and happy right now, sleeping in her hammock.  I seem to think less
maternal (no longer mothers her squeeky toys as much, but when tested, she
had only extremely high testosterone, not high estrogen.  weird.)
Meg and the all new princess keera
[Posted in FML issue 2690]