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Wed, 8 Nov 1995 08:02:05 -0600
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As a Quaker, I try to remain modest, try not to harm others, infringe upon
the territory of others, or tell people what to do.  I will make an
exception reqarding the FERRETS ACROSS AMERICA NATIONAL SHOW.  OK, you guys,
get off yer butts, and put yer $$ where yer mouth is.  If you love ferrets,
DO THIS!  It's time we (being slaves of the little beasties) show America we
mean business.  Imagine a wall of ferret photos facing the politicos; once
they realize ferrets have owners who vote, it would scare the poopie right
out of them!  Make your power known, and WIN ONE FOR THE NIPPER!  (I ALWAYS
wanted to say that, and a pun besides....I can go to bed now, I'm happy!)
Just to clarify a few things in other matters. Suggesting a national
registry, perhaps using ahn's list as a basis, was an EXAMPLE of what
COULD be done; ahn might have a say in the matter. I also fully recognize
the (BIG) guy's comment to be true; a $3 disk with an engraved phone number
is very cost-effective.  (Do you hear a "however" here?)
HOWEVER, something like a national registry (JUST AN EXAMPLE) implies
political power, strength, and unity; something a $3 disk will not and can
not do.  There is much more to be gained with such a device than the return
of a loved pet; such as good publicity.  With good publicity comes the
membership to sustain political power.  Political power and influence
changes laws.  Locating lost pets would only be a small portion of a what
could be accomplished by a national registry.  (Hear another however?)
HOWEVER, while on the subject, we need to learn two lessons.  First, the
way many governments control dissident groups is by playing one off the
other (Remember the 60's?).  Unity frightens politicos, and well it should,
because unity equals power.  As long as we bicker among ourselves, or let
ego govern decisions, we will never amount to anything or ever be taken
The second lesson we need to learn is American history.  Our problem was
solved a couple of hundred years ago by some egotistic white male
protestants in Philadephia.  As Killian has pointed out, there already are
several regional organizations fighting for the top spot.  Why not suck in
the ego a little bit, band together, and (GASP!) form a national
organization?  Bluntly, if one of more of the regional clubs have a problem,
let them sink or stink on their own.  Any ferret club that has a leadership
that places egocentric desires above the interest of the animal is not an
advocate for the ferret.  Just read the growing list of FFZs mentioned in
Ferret Central; Mustela putorius furo has publicity problems of crisis
proportions.  If Jefferson and Adams could swallow their pride to build our
nation, why can't we to protect the little fuzzies?
Dispite a few e-mailed suggestions to the contrary, I have no hidden agenda
in advocating a national organization other than the love of a fantastic
little animal that brings joy to my heart, and laughter to my lips.  I don't
know the people who run the clubs, nor belong to any club or organization.
I advocate because just believing in something is not enough; you have to
turn those beliefs into action for them to become real.
I was raised on a farm; I have worked with animals all my life, and have
had more pets than you can imagine; dogs, cats, spiders, snakes, mink,
skunk, a three-foot iguana, rats, cute (and not so cute) little bunnies,
ad infinitum. I even had a pet black widow spider! But it took a furry
little thief to steal my heart; it's in their hidey-hole now, and I don't
want it back! Besides, it's got ferret spit on it... ;)
Finally, my SO came up with the PERFECT ferret harness.  Silver duct tape.
No, seriously, take a four or five inch strip of fabric about six or so
inches long (depending on the ferret),and trim with bias tape.  Cut (and
trim with buttonholer) two holes in the middle parallel to the long edge
(yes, for the front legs), then attach velco to the ends.  Attach a small
split ring on the top for the leash, then coat the inside of the harness
with the no-slip rubber compound used to keep rugs from slipping on hardwood
floors.  When finished, you have an adjustable excape-proof harness.  Ours
are bright yellow, and have on each side a red heart containing a black paw
print.  We attach name and rabies tags to the split ring.  Not one of our
little guys have escaped (yet), plus it doubles as a "hair-mitt" during
moulting season.  If you have difficulty deciphering my sewing instructions,
e-mail your address, and I'll snail-mail a drawing of the thang (Dammit Jim,
I'm an zoologist, not a seamster!)
Moose, Stella, Daye, Tori, and Bear.
Moose says, "I got disks that jingle jangle jingle...."
For those of you wondering why I go by Bob instead of the more regal
sounding Robert, its because I'm dyslexic....  ;)
[Posted in FML issue 1372]