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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 1205 9512 19 20_ad on craigslist....11_Nancy [log in to unmask], 29 May 2012 14:28:18 -0400396_- Someone ASKING for FERRET POOP..........really!! I'm gonna call them
and tell them I've got plenty! They can have all they want! Heck, they
can even clean cages twice a day to get it if they want! I had no idea
that it was a mole repellant! Maybe I can market it! The moles in
Oregon are HUGE and make enormous piles of dirt on lawns. GOSH all
these years and I never knew! [...]38_29May201214:28:[log in to unmask] 1205 9532 14 22_Re: Hello to KeskittAA14_Caitlyn [log in to unmask], 29 May 2012 13:35:06 -0400181_- Hi, Sukie,

Congratulations on the new arrival! I hope she lives a long and happy
life and brings much joy to your home.


[Posted in FML 7441]46_29May201213:35:[log in to unmask] 1205 9547 18 19_BFF kit watch time!11_Linda [log in to unmask], 29 May 2012 09:43:51 -0400413_- Rosebud's due date is June 1, so it's about time to start the
black-footed ferret kit watch!


If you have a Mac, you need to have Flip4Mac installed.

Unfortunately, the web cam is not compatible with iOS devices. :-(


[Posted in FML 7441]35_29May201209:43:[log in to unmask] 1205 9566 21 25_OT - my donkey gave birth11_Nell [log in to unmask], 30 May 2012 00:55:08 +0300470_- Sophia gave birth to a beautiful foal this afternoon. There is a
picture on photobucket of them together.


I was there for the birth (less than an hour) and took photos
throughout it. And then afterwards of the baby as he tried to get
to his feet, and then as he tried to find Sophie's udder and teats.
He succeeded normally with both. In fact everything was wonderfully
normal [...]46_30May201200:55:[log in to unmask] 1205 9588 20 10_Dear Galen11_Nell [log in to unmask], 30 May 2012 23:02:58 +0300474_- I am afraid I am going to lose him tonight to his ulcers. He's been
grinding constantly, and this aft and tonight has sometimes dug
furiously in bedding and litter, and he seems in steady pain. GAgs and
threw up some water once tonight. Doesn't want to eat, though I've been
able to tempt him w Ferretone. A few years ago I had a gastro illness
sweep though my business, and the digging was always the night before
they died. His eyes seem wet too. [...]46_30May201223:02:[log in to unmask] 1205 9609 23 14_Re: Dear Galen23_Dr. Freddie Ann [log in to unmask], 30 May 2012 18:53:41 -0500406_- Neil:

Flagyl would be the only other drug to add, but the other two drugs
are quite appropriate for this condition. If he was just started on
the drugs, they will take a week to 10 days to start working.

If he is having trouble eating, then he should have soft food (e.g.,
chicken baby food, without vegetables or sugar), as others on this
message can certainly recommend. [...]52_30May201218:53:[log in to unmask] 1205 9633 9 21_Moles and ferret poop11_Nell [log in to unmask], 30 May 2012 11:45:58 +0300144_- I used it against my moles in an area some people called high desert
in northern Calif. It helped. Funny moles!

[Posted in FML 7442]46_30May201211:45:[log in to unmask] 1205 9643 46 22_Traveling with ferrets17_Stephanie [log in to unmask], 30 May 2012 16:59:09 -0400585_- I road trip quite often with mine. I use large dog carriers. I
Tue, 29 May 2012 11:29:12 -0400
text/plain (64 lines)
Great topic! I'm eager to hear peoples advice.

I can tell you that there is a difference between taking an extended
vacation with ferrets and a day trip or overnighter.

If you are going to be on the road a very long time, and your ferrets
aren't used to that regularly, you might want to try to prevent motion
sickness. I've never experienced that with a ferret or known of one
with it, but certainly you dont want to take the chance. They can
spiral downward so fast with dehydration. One trick to prevent motion
sickness in animals is to cover up the side windows so they can only
see front and back. I actually like to cover all sides except for the
front (where I can see them and where they can see out the front
window). You can do this rather easily just by draping blankets over
their travel cages. There must be something you can put in their water
to also help. However, something like ginger might deter them from
drinking. Perhaps some ginger sprinkled in their food. Troy Lynn knows
about ferrets, nausea and use of ginger.

Because ferrets sleep all day, taking them out for exercise is not a
necessity. It can be dangerous in a car in fact. Its safer to put them
on leashes and take them for a walk at a rest area. But honestly? If
you want to relax and to eliminate any accidents, leave them in the
cage. They wont "die". Promise. Renee Downs might have some input on
the safest type of travel cage to use. Her cages were put to test as
her SUV rolled down an interstate in a tragic accident.

Do not have open bowls of water in the cage. However, do have bowls
that attach to the cage under water bottles because the vibration and
shaking will make them drip which will be a mess. Keep a low level of
food in the bowl so they dont dig it out when bored or irritated. Of
course bring any medications they may need.

Lots and lots of clean hammies and bedding is a big help. They tend to
sleep more, and it can keep odor down. Speaking of which, might want
to bath them before going. Being trapped in a car for many hours with
ferrets can get peoples allergies going. If you have given your ferret
a bath within the last month or so, you might want to use Marshal Farms
Creme Rinse if you choose to bath them again before the trip. That
stuff is awesome. It moisturizes their skin so they dont tend to itch
or get smelly after a bath. It makes them ever so soft as well.

Pretty much take a smaller version of their cage (if not their cage),
fully loaded when going on a long trip. Bring along their own food, and
much more than they will eat in case you get stuck. Have leashes ready
in case you are in an accident or break down. Might want to have pillow
cases too. I'm not sure what to do about air conditioning if you are
having a heat wave. You dont want to break down in 100 degree weather
with a ferret. Perhaps plenty of ice in a cooler and heavy duty zip
lock bags (to put ice in, and to put in their cage) might help in such
an emergency.

Dont stress about this. This is fun. Ferrets are hardy travelers! But
for your own peace of mind, you might want to "have and not need"
rather than "need and not have".

Man. Whole lotta talkin' here with very little advice. Hope others
chime in.


[Posted in FML 7441]