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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 29 Jan 2008 14:41:02 -0500384_- Laryssa went into a lot of the energy and pollution costs of computers
in the "What is green?" evaluation so i won't duplicate her work.

On the complex avatar using about 300 watts:
Second Line publishes what servers they use, the types of servers
(which gives the energy draw) and how many are on-line w them at any
time so it [log in to unmask] 0711 4441 24 47_Re: Rumor about dmk farm? usda and puppy mills?16_Anonymous [log in to unmask], 6 Nov 2007 17:07:20 -0500407_- Dear Anonymous,

Lori told us directly that McKay's grand daughters did indeed take
about 100 of the best ferrets before she was able to get the actual
rescue underway. Because of that there weren't really 800 ferrets
rescued. Apparently there was some sort of deal that they could "only"
breed 6 litters a year. 100 ferrets is a lot of breeders. Time alone
will tell. [...]37_6Nov200717:07:[log in to unmask] 0711 4466 28 19_Ferrets in the news7_R [log in to unmask], 6 Nov 2007 19:10:48 -0500391_- BFF in Arizona needs room to roam . . .

They get it in South Dakota . . .

An anniversary that brought out the good in people:
<http://www.newschannel9.com/news/zoo_964253___article.html/animals_year.html>38_6Nov200719:10:[log in to unmask] 0711 4495 19 10_COUNTDOWN!14_Sukie [log in to unmask], 6 Nov 2007 11:37:20 -0500394_- 43 days!

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 5784]41_6Nov200711:37:[log in to unmask] 0711 4515 21 24_Re: otters holding hands13_Laura [log in to unmask], 6 Nov 2007 14:20:29 -0800419_- Though this video is cute it's far from unique. This is typical otter
behaviour in the wild so totally natural that aquarium otters would do
this. One or more otters with grab a piece of kelp and wrap it around
themselves to anchor themselves in place since the kelp attaches to
rocks on the bottom of the ocean. The others will link arms and make
what they call a "raft" of sea otters. [...]45_6Nov200714:20:[log in to unmask] 0711 4537 43 11_Sick Ferret14_NANCY D [log in to unmask], 7 Nov 2007 17:54:21 -0700386_- Hi. Warning... long post...[?]

I have a sick ferret named Houdini and my vet and I don't know what's
wrong with him. It started two weeks ago when I noticed he had lost
lots of weight and had become seriously dehydrated over the course
of two days (was initially some mushier than normal poo - not too
uncommon - that suddenly escalated into severe diarrhea). [...]38_7Nov200717:54:[log in to unmask] 0711 4581 68 19_Ohio Hob in [log in to unmask], 7 Nov 2007 20:50:40 EST530_- Dear Fellow FMLers..,.

Howdy from Reno Nevada. First of all my new hob from Ohio, Jovan the
musky one. or Dougie Da Moose, both apply, please choose one...LOL
Anyhoo he is in Season for the first time I guess and he is a bit wild
shall we say? LOL he is not interested in Sophie much but he likes both
Leo and Sabata tho..LOL No he isn't "gay" just horny I'd say!!! SLMAO!!
Anyhoo he is in a cage for some of the time but he runs the house quite
a bit to be sure.. Poppa has top have his [...]36_7Nov200720:50:[log in to unmask] 0711 4650 38 27_Re: Distemper Vaccine Scare13_Judy [log in to unmask]
Tue, 6 Nov 2007 18:06:33 EST
text/plain (13 lines)
I agree about the books, I am currently training a good ferret vet to
be a superb ferret vet :). He has borrowed my copy of "Biology and
Diseases of the Ferret" and gets copied on any new ferret medical info
I find on the net and has even changed the lab he uses for ferret blood
analysis to one I suggested (recommended by an experienced UK ferret
Tony (not a vet), Sugar and Suki.
In memory of Sally and Sue.

[Posted in FML 5784]