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Yvonne Zoll <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Nov 2006 08:07:59 -0800
text/plain (45 lines)
Frequent bedding changes does the trick best for us. The bedding
definately smells worse than they do. Our guys just smell like corn
chips, until a few weeks ago when I bought some tide with downy on sale
and tried it. Now they smell like sweet tide with downy corn chips! We
generaly only bathe our guys with plain old regular people shampoo when
they have gotten into something funky. That breaks down into roughly
3-4 baths a year, depending, wahahaha....otherwise they really start
stinking from being bathed too often because their little musky oil
glands work overtime. No really, I've seen Izzy after many a bath
and accompanying IM WET! EEEWWWWWW!!!!!!! GET IT OF GETITOFF
GETITOFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dance sit in one spot *pretending* to
shake and shiver, but what he's really doing is making a concerted
effort to squeeze/sweat out his stinky musk-oil....I've not bothered to
tell him that he can't sweat. I simply let him think that we are dumb
to his little evil ploy as he sits there with his eyes squeezed tightly
shut and his little face scrunched up in concentration, begging the
powers of naughtyness to grant him just one good poof of vengeance.

Several years ago, when they were given to us 3 of ours came with
deoderizing products and ferret cologne (in the scent of CK be) like
Alex said, allthey did was make the poor kids smell like nasty
little synthetic chemical refineries. We pitched everything in the
garbage...heheheheh, except for the ferret cologne which I would
occasionaly (as in once maybe every 4-5 months) give in about 1/4
squirt on a victim's rump during playtime because the reaction was so
funny. A game of ambush tag would ensue with much dooking,wrestling,
and chasing of the poor funny smelling "victim". It didn't matter if it
was a ferret, a cat, or the dog. Whoever had the perfumed hiney would
be pounced. The same works with catnip spray. They seem to love the
minty scent but only if it is on somebody's butt. If I put it on a toy
they just aren't interested at all. The catnip smell is gone in an hour
or so, which is nice because it doesn't linger.

If you change their bedding weekly and scoop poop every day or two, you
will notice a big difference. A little carpet fresh or febreeze (my
favorite) once a week or so will freshen up the ferret room and rest of
the house as well. (If you just like to use stuff that smells good that

Dooks and Hugs!

[Posted in FML 5420]