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Ferretwise <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 31 May 2006 09:09:27 -0400
text/plain (99 lines)
HI Friends!
It's me Jerimiah - that chocolate spotted boy from Ferret Wise making an
introduction.  I told you I was 'sposed to be finding a replacement --
Mom jest didn't know it was going to be so soon.  I had to get the upper
ferret tail sometimes!  "Okay Blossom, here is where you say HI!"

Okay , thanks Jerimiah.  well all th4 big kids are pushin' me around---

"NOW BLOSSOM, that is not really what we do here--"

OH!  Okay.  I will try again!  hmm, well I am keeping Miss Biscuit
company now that she does not have Gravy boy with her.  She is a big
rolypoly gal and it makes me feel bigger & stronger when we curl up
together! :)  I am Blossom, the youngest deaf kid at Ferret Wise!  A
whole lot prettier than Jerimiah.

( How's that?)

"Jest fine Blossom., but you still can't beat my ruby red eyes!  ".

"Okay now Blossom here is where you have to tell all the friends about
what has been going on- I know you can't hear so you needs to get one of
the hearing kids like Albus or Austin to 'splain it out to you.  You and
JJ ( Jerimiah Jr) jest have to learn the interpretation thing and you
will be able to tell everyone about what is going on!  Think you can do
that?  I will help you this time."

Um ,okay Hi everyone.  The new kid JJ ( Jerimiah jr) arrived here at
FerretWise on Sunday May 21.  Now I am NOT the youngest one here- well as
far as shelter days go!  :) He is like me ( and our big brother Jerimiah)
we think the two footed folks look funny with their mouths opening and
closing all the time- we think it makes them look like fishies!  Haha.

Anyway JJ has a habit of screaming-- not so much now jest when he gets
startled.  That keeps the human folks close by!  JJ had a different name
and a life that went with it.  HE was known as Charlie Brown- and had a
life like that before - he got lost wandered around a place called Boston
ended up in a big dog shelter then found a way to Maff, Our Mom put in
a call and her he is!  He is about 3/5-4 years old and Jerimiah felt he
needed a new start and gave him his name.  That's my big guy.  We spent
several playtimes walking shoulder to shoulder here before he had to go--
I helped him as his eyes were having a hard time seeing.  I am glad he
won't be far away so he can help me out when I feel a little lost.

'Thats good Blossom,.  now you need to let folks know that to help care
for you kids, Mom has special stuff on ebay and the winners of the raffle
JUNE RAFFLE - ends June 1st at 12 noon) will be announced on June 2nd."

Wow thats a lot to remember Jerimiah!  I will try!  Okay folks Mom would
like to rermind us all that the June Raffle for ferret wise is ending
June 1st the drawing is at 12 noon.  The proceeds swill help cover
veterinary costs for surgery & diagnostics for Lucky.  Mom jest saw
him yesterday he gets around for a blind guy but his belly is jest too
big.  Lots and lots of the kids at the hospice house went for luprons &
ferretonin I will tell all about it later- so we needs to raise some more
to help get the surgery done soon.  ANyway It you want to see the raffle
info it is at: http://www.earlysunrisefineart.com/page40.html

And lots of neat stuff is on ebay now- some special things;

Ferret Print


Ferret Framed Tile for Ferret Wise ENDS: Jun-06-06 09:41:44 PDT

POTTERY FERRET by Robert Desbiens ENDS: Jun-06-06 10:04:51 PDT

Jerimiah, but you know iffen you are here helping me like you are- how
comes Nestle is so sad and weepy yet?

"Well Blossom, you know I spent a lots oif days with Nestle boy and he
just isn't ready to accept it was my time to leave.  I know Mom is trying
hard and I left him a pkg of Foamy fries to make it a little more like
home for him.  I guess you and Mom are going to have to help him along-

Okay Jerimiah but he shooked me all UP the other day and I cried.  Momma
had to rescue me all over again- and clean up the floor too!  "Yes
Blossom, lets hope the old boy learns to feel a bit happy again!  It's
time for you to say goodbye now."

Uh, okay!  Hi Everybody--

"NO goodbye!"

Oh yeah- Goodye everybody-- but can I do this again?

"Yes Blossom, you will be doing this a LOT form now on!"

Goodbye everybody-- from Blossom, spokesferret at Ferret Wise and our
shelter Mom & Dad too!
[Posted in FML issue 5260]