I've been thinking a lot about what would be best for my ferrets' for
them, not for my own enjoyment of them. I've prepared a list of the
things I think would be good for them, and would love to hear your
I haven't done any reviewing of previous FMLs or the FHL archives before
preparing this list, but just pulled from my own memory. I'm thinking of
things that will make them healthier, extend their lives, and make their
time with me more fun for them. Hopefully, through that, I will get a
longer time with them, which would, of course, make me really happy!
In each case, I've listed the suggestion of what I have gleaned should
be done, the benefits that have been mentioned for it, and my questions
(either looking for more details, or a slightly-off-topic question).
Feel free to comment privately or on list, as I think this is something
all ferret owners should think about.
SUGGESTION: Food as close to natural as possible -- something like
Bob C's gravy
BENEFIT: Dental health, general health (they are obligate carnivores, so
need fat and protein, not vegetables, which they cant digest)
QUESTION: What about crunch? Or can they eat this all the time?
SUGGESTION: Bottled/spring water
BENEFIT: Avoids the chlorine and other chemicals added to tap water
QUESTION: I know distilled doesn't contain minerals needed, but what
about filtered tap water?
SUGGESTION: As few treats as possible, high-protein snacks if needed or
an oil like Ferretone occasionally
BENEFIT: Sugary treats may contribute to insulinoma, vegetables can cause
intestinal blockages
QUESTION: What are the negatives in ferrets of high-salt foods/treats?
(I'm fairly certain its as unhealthy for them as it is for us, but I'm
wondering about details, since ferrets don't seem to be as prone to heart
attacks as people)
SUGGESTION: Free roam in a ferret-proof area such as their own room with
lots of safe toys
BENEFIT: Increases muscle-tone, keeps mind and body occupied
QUESTION: What about interaction with people? If you can mostly
ferret-proof the whole house, isnt that better?
SUGGESTION: Dark (totally dark) area where they can sleep
BENEFIT: Seems to decrease the occurrence of adrenal problems
QUESTION: Do they need access to this every night?
SUGGESTION: Vet visits annually until around age 4-5, then twice a year
BENEFIT: Helps to find problems early so they can be treated before they
become more serious
QUESTION/COMMENT: I am avoiding the issue of vaccinations purposely, as
their benefits and risks are highly debated and not very well studied.
I would request that replies to this post also not address that issue.
[Posted in FML issue 5148]