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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0504 2034 73 60_Ferret Fandango 2005: PFCS Sponsored Title Class Ferret [log in to unmask], 3 Apr 2005 15:29:13 -0400410_- (This message is being cross-posted; sincere apologies to those who see
this more than once... and we appreciate you forwarding this to other
individuals and lists we may not have included!)

ANNOUNCING FERRET FAN>please forgive me for being unable to write offline to the person who
was concerned.

I received word from one of the Florida shelters that Tara had sent $200,
or more. The number $200 sticks in my head, as it was so much money. So
Tara did send a Florida shelter money. [...]40_13Jan200522:07:[log in to unmask] 0501 9937 15 29_Re: Tara report as of Mid-Dec12_Bill & [log in to unmask], 13 Jan 2005 00:26:29 -0700326_- Hey.

I'm sure others have more up to date info than I do, but Tara told me
that shortly after the PACNW Ferret show in November she got a really
bad staph infection in her knee. She also has been having health issues
with diabetes and the same knee. If anyone else knows something more,
please post. [...]43_13Jan200500:26:[log in to unmask] 0501 9953 16 25_Florida Raffle dispersion11_Rose [log in to unmask], 13 Jan 2005 08:01:09 -0500461_- Hello, As far as i know Tara has been away dealing with her own medical
differculties and is one of the most loved and trusted persons on any
list. I also bought many, many tickets and have contacted Glen at the
Florida raffle site a couple times with the # that we won and provided
our mailing address. We have received our winnings and understand the
donation was split up between the shelters in Florida that were in
desperate need. [...]40_13Jan200508:01:[log in to unmask] 0501 9970 35 49_FERRET SIGHTING - The Wall Street Journal [log in to unmask], 13 Jan 2005 15:24:30 -0500570_- Marketplace p.B1
Cubicle Culture by Kris Maher
For Some Co-Workers, Bringing Fido to Office Has Become Pet Peeve

While owners attest to the calming influence of pets, many also admit
that having a pet around simply makes it more fun to go to work. In the
five months that John Angerson, owner of DigiSquid Studios, a Web design
company in Avoca, PA, has brought his ferrets Bear and Pepper to his
storefront office, he has lost track of mouse pads, keys, a checkbook,
bottlecaps and money - all carried off by the ferrets. [...]46_13Jan200515:24:[log in to unmask] 0501 10006 57 63_Re: any students or experts of parasitology or entolomogy here?13_Rebecca [log in to unmask], 13 Jan 2005 13:34:40 EST464_- Wolfy: "Oh God." ::scratch scratch scratch::

Oracle: "Wolfy, what are you doing?! What's wrong with you?"

W: "Geez ... they're ... they're ... all OVER!" ::flick flick flick
flick:: "Oh good God, what has Sukie done?" ::itch itch itch::

O: "I don't see anything. What? I don't get it, what IS your problem?"

W: "Look damnit!!!" ::motioning to the computer moniter:: [...]37_13Jan200513:34:[log in to unmask] 0501 10064 91 56_Remembering Mucnhkin and many others as a New Year begns27_alicia ferretlady [log in to unmask], 13 Jan 2005 11:37:33 -0800625_- "Munchkin's Story" "Munchkin FerretWise

"Munchkin" as she would later be lovingly called arrived at Ferret Wise
on January 18, 1995. The phone rang early that morning, and I recognized
the voice of the Fish & Wildlife contact, "can you pick up a ferret we
are holding?, she was turned in yesterday after being found in the
morning on the steps of a hardware store in Leominster, MA" he said.
She's a wild one but I hate to think of the other option, this is a
pretty l
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:20:44 -0500
text/plain (32 lines)
Hello Ferret Family,
These ferrets sure are an ungrateful lot.  They don't give me any time
to do anything else but attend to their every need.  They know I have
all these thank-you cards to write, & they just keep eating & drinking,
pooping, messing on the floor, leaving their toys around, needing meds &
special feedings.  They never help pick up, or do the laundry, or even
answer their own phone calls.  You would think that they could take a
minute from their precious play time to fill a dish or a water bottle,
noooooooo.  It's more fun to pelt their cage, the floor, & me on
occasion, w/the contents of their food dish.  Do they care that every
time they climb up to the top of 3 stacked cages that I have to drop
everything to rescue them?  Of course not, clear heads they are.  They
just do it again.  There's so much more, but why complain.  It wastes
energy that I don't have to spare & solves nothing.  <sigh>
So I can say in all sincerity that IT'S THE FERRETS' FAULT that I haven't
sent out Thank Yous to all the thoughtful & generous Santas.  While they
enjoy their new bedding, treats, toys, & have all their needs met - they
should have gotten coal.  OH NO, what a mess that would be!
Dear Santas, please know that I'M very grateful for the kindness you sent
our way.
Juliana Quadrozzi
770-984-1417  7:00pm-10:30pm
P.S.  I hope it's OK if I get them out before 12/24/05???
[Posted in FML issue 4757]