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Mon, 23 Feb 2004 10:51:55 -0500
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Master Largo's Shelter News
Hey it's me Master Largo the ferret that don't stink!  You guys is so
great, you all sents me messages tellen me I don'ts stink; you said I
smell like tortilla chips and grape juice.  Would someone please tell
me if smelling like tortilla chips and grape juice is that better than
smellen like a ferret?  I thought I was pose to smell like a ferret.  Mum
says no matter she loves me and how I smell no matter what I smell like.
I gots 10 messages for me, just me!  Mum said she would save them for me;
she would put them in my "Master Largo file" so I could answer each one
personal like; in this news letter.  MUM LOST my file!!!!!  Andy the nice
man that helps mum with computer stuff helped her to look for it but even
he cant's find it, so I can not tell each of you that sent me the message
what I thought of your message..
MUM makes me so MAD sometimes!!!
Mum has had her hands full with Speedy being real real sick, she was
going to ask Kaleigh and Peter to take him to Doc for her, when they came
to get their kids from camp, but mum found out our favorite Doc is on
vacation so she kept him home..  He is doing a bit better, crunching and
will eat a whole bowl of soup if she holds him..  Mum don't holds me when
I eat my soup!!!  What's up with that?  I has to take medicine now in my
soup, I feel better now that I am on medicine.  Aunt Mary thinks I has
insulinoma but mum has not gotten me up to get a fasting BG.  Aunt Mary
says I need one of them.  Does that mean I has to have a hurt stick?  I
really hate hurt sticks!  I love the ferretone that they give me to
pretend that the hurt sick don't hurt though!  Okay WHERE are you Aunt
Janette??????  You is pose to be my far away mom and I has not heard from
you in weeks..  Don't you love me anymore?  I know, I bet it is because I
was not on that bike getten my picture taken huh?  Will you come help me
stay on the bike while mum takes my picture?
Aunt Vicky and Uncle Mike made mum a memorial quilt for our wall, it has
pictures of the fur kids that has gone to rainbow bridge and the poem
about rainbow bridge and the rescuer, it is beautiful.  It made mum sad
to see all the kids that has left us, but she was so happy to have such
a beautiful quilt made by 2 very special friends..  Thanks for maken mum
happy Aunt Vicky and Uncle Mike
Sully and Smokey has new humans to love them, they has gone to live in
Brighton.  Mum is getting things going for the Ferret Only Clinic; it is
going to be June 5th this year.  We has had lots of campers this month,
Robinson kids, Powers kids and the Deutsch kids.  That has been keeping
mum busy too.
Our big spring raffle has started; Peter donated a brand new Mountain
bike, take a look at the raffle page,
I wanted mum to take a picture of me on that beauteous bike but she told
me that I was too little for it, I would fall and get hurt if she tried
to do that.  Will someone come hold me on that bike so I can get my
picture taken on it?  PLEASE????  You can find our raffle on our web page
too.  Mum has lots of new stuff for ferrets and humans on the web so when
you get a minute go take a look.  She has been working so hard on that.
It has been so cold this winter mum wrapped up or cages to keep it warmer
in there for us.  No more new kids, mum is breathing a sigh of relief.
There have been lots of humans that want to adopt, some of the paper work
came in some, did not.  Mum sent out a "check in letter" to all the
humans that took kids home from here, so far some have checked in some
have not.  Miss Barb, Mr. Edward did.  Mum wents over to see Eddie AKA
Bear last week, he is so happy and has so many friends.  Mum just loves
to know them kids is happy and healthy.  She is always there for them
humans that needs her, all they needs to do is ask.  Miss Eileen, mum
tolds her to ignore the letter cuz Sir Biscuit and Sir Gravy's dad has
been in the hospital.  We has been saying prayers lots for them.  Mum got
a message tonight that he is home now to finish getten better.  Miss
Eileen says it is all because we all was saying so many prayers.  Mum
says I have done enough hot air, get done with the news letter and get
off the puter!  So till next time; TTFN
Kibble and Wet Nose Kisses
Master Largo
Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4432]