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"Bruce Williams, DVM" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 21:09:23 -0500
text/plain (28 lines)
Dear Sue:
>We have had the respiratory flu at my house this week.  3 of my 6 ferrets
>now have symptoms of the same.  Took one to the vet tonight and he was put
>on AmoxiDrops 0.5 ml twice a day.  Vet also gave me the same medicine for
>the others that are ill.  My question is this: Jonesy (not sick yet) is
>due to have surgery for insulinoma and adrenal on Feb.  9th.  Should I
>start him on a regimen of medicine to help prevent him getting ill?  He is
>currently on Prednisolone 0.5 ml twice a day.  In humans, prednisone will
>contribute to a lower immune system, so I would think Jonesy would be
>more susceptible.  I would hate to have to postpone the surgery now that
>I have found a new, good vet and have scheduled the surgery.  If he should
>get this flu, cold, would his surgery have to be postponed?
If he gets the flu, yes you will have to postpone the surgery.  However,
amoxicillin won't prevent a viral infection, so there really is no purpose
in giving the amoxicillin to Jonesy at this point.
Also, the prednisone won't result in immunesuppression at this dose - don't
change the dosage or discontinue.
At this point, segregate him from sick ferrets and people and keep your
fingers crossed.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3315]