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Christopher Bennett <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 04:07:20 -0500
text/plain (63 lines)
Angel has taught me a new game and I had to share it.  You will need to
purchase a teddybear, about the same size or a little larger than your
fuzzbutt.  The important factors here seem to be that the toy be easily
transportable, yet too large to ever possibly go under the couch.  Ferret
Rules and Conduct bylaw 332 plainly states, any new toys must immediately
be hidden under the couch in order to give your human the impression that
you have no toys and therefore must immediatly be given new ones.  The
bylaw does not however, address just what one does when said toy will not
fit under the couch.  Angel is frantic, he has approached the issue from
all possible angles, head first, tail first, toy first.  It's hilarious.
The bear was put under a chair for 10 minutes, but that just wasn't
satisfactory, into his teepee and right back out.  Obviously it belongs
under the couch, just look at it he says to me.  Perhaps I have a mean
streak, but I'm loving this game.  Going out toy shopping with a measuring
tape later today, "hmmm this should fit under the sofa, I'll buy it"
We've also modified the tickle me while I nibble you game somehow.  Once
upon a time I tickled his tummy while he lay on his back and kicked and
mouthed my hand.  Lately he's rolled over onto his tummy and wants me to
tickle his sides while he franticly tries to escape.  When I let him get
away he runs three feet, plops down to catch his breath, then realizes he
desperately has to get to a spot just past me and uh oh, he's being tickled
again.  He added the need to get by me and will now play the tickle me game
for an hour or better if I am willing.  Anyone who has a moment and the
inclination, please feel free to email me with your ferret's favorite game.
There is so much sadness, (the 35 babies and what have you), in the list
and I wouldn't for the life of me see those issues ignored, just really in
need of a lighter note.  To those of you who have seen their fuzzbutts off
to the rainbow bridge, I would love to hear about a cherished moment or
game you played with them if you are able and can find the time to
write.  Or maybe a favorite toy or hideyhole.  For those of you with sick
fuzzbutts, our prayers and tears are with you, maybe it would help to take
a moment and remember a happier time.
Lastly, I'm feeling guilty.  Angel shares me with a dog, a cat (both
rescues) and a macaw.  Not to mention a 50 hour work week.  He is only in
his cage while I am at work or when we go to sleep for the night, but maybe
a brother is called for.  On weekends, it's usually angel who goes with
me to see my parents for an hour or two because he is the smallest, the
quietest, the easiest to clean up after, and because Dad thoroughly enjoys
playing with him.  He is by no means neglected, but monday through friday
he easily spends 10 hours in his cage everyday.  So what do you think?  Is
a brother called for?  Will we lose TV nap time on the couch or the tickle
me game if he has someone his own shape to rough and tumble?  Are the dog
and the cat companion enough, he sure enjoys them both?  Email me your
thoughts and experiences.  I posted pictures of Angel beating up Buffy, and
the teddybear game.  It's really hard to photograph a ferret, and albino
eyes just don't come out right but if anyone is interested click on angel
in the photo album at http://christopher.bennett.org.
Oh, and if there is to be another ferret in this house it will have to be
a rescue, I'm just not up to the baby biting stage again so soon and with
so many in need of a home I'd much rather give my money to a shelter.
Anyone know of one near Jacksonville Florida?
Everyone who emailed me flea advice, may the ferret gods bless you!  The
consensus has been to advantage Angel and so I have.
Chris and Angel and Buddy and Buffy and Rico
[Posted in FML issue 3307]