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Wed, 7 Feb 2001 17:25:10 -0500
Debbie Scott <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Seems like it is happening again!!!  For you new to the fml, last year at
this time we read what Kevin Gilbert of Desert Moon Ferrets was doing to
his cutomers.  Failing to ship ferrets to people who had already pre-paid
for them.  Many hurt folks that never seen their ferret(s) or their money.
One friend was taken for over 2000.00!!!
This year we hear of another..  Nadine Downs of Phoenix Fuzzy Ferrets.
She sent Tina Gutshaw a female ferret instead of a male!Tina called me and
ask if it is hard to tell a male from a female at age 7 weeks of age.
Tina felt that it was not fair to send this ferret all the way back across
country and said she would keep her, Tina felt Nadine should settle up with
her on the matter and Nadine told Tina to send her a copy from a vet to say
the he ferret is really a she.  Tiny went to the vet ...got the paper with
the proof, emailed Nadine a copy and ALSO sent her the copy by U.S. mail.
Never herd from Nadine on the matter and the letter with the proof of sex
was sent back to her, un-opened!!!  Excuse me, you don't do this to
people.... all of this could have been settled so easily.
I feel Tina's letter on the fml today was one of no bitterness toward
Nadine.  Just facts and with hope to see the mess straighten out and not to
happen to someone else in the future.  I strongly feel that Nadine should
settle up with Tina and and take a good look at of her own actions and ask
herself "is this the way I would want to be treated by someone?" I will add
that Tina lost 2 ferrets within 1 months time!!  The first ferret's papers
have not came back from the lab, the vet told her is was caused from a rare
ferret disease.  The second one a lovely mellow boy named Huey died on the
vets table while being neutered.  I am involved in this because she got
Huey from me and she and I have both grieved over the loss of our boy!  She
wanted another boy and I had none for her so she went to Nadine.  I never
dreamed someone would do this to the girl after all she has been though!
I have read every email she has sent Nadine and they have not been nausty
ones.  I am proud of Tina for keeping a good attitude toward Nadine.  I
emailed Nadine about 3 weeks ago on this matter and she responded that Tina
sent her nausty emails and she felt she gave Tina a good deal on the ferret
and Tina liked the ferret when she talked to her after Tina picked it up
from the airport.  I admire Tina for not shipping the ferret back, hard
telling where this little one would be now.
Back to Kevin Gilbert of Desert Moon ferrets, he alao is located in the
Phoenix area and has since gone underground I am told.  I find all of this
very interesting.
Thank you Bill Gruber for trying to get both Kevin and Nadine to make
things right with their customers before they were mentioned on the
fml...good try, shame it didn't work!!
Debbie Scott
"Do unto others as you would have them  do unto you"
[Posted in FML issue 3322]