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Fred A Hurd <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 20:17:56 EDT
text/plain (25 lines)
Dear FMLers!!
Help!!!  Our Smokey needs Lupron Depot!!!!  I need to know where my vet or
I can get the drug Lupron Depot.  Smokey is a very neat 7 year old hooded
Sable....yep with the black nose!!!  Smokey is a bi-lateral adrenal fert.
At his age and with two different surgeries and scar tissue later he is not
really a good canidate for anymore surgeries.  My vet is willing to try
Lupron but doesn't know where to obtain it without buying a whole human
dose of it....sounds familar doesn't it???  I had alot of info but cannot
find it on my hard drive...might be on the old one that crashed and was
replaced.I dunno.  Also need the doseage per fert.
Also need to know what other drugs are out there as I know there is another
less costly alternative drug to Lupron but maybe not as effective.???  I
want the best for this boy as he is rather "special" to us....aren't they
all???  I already have about $1,600 bucks wrapped up in this one little
carpetmonster but I also have a budget and a family to maintain as well.
Any info will be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance
Fred Hurd
Reno, Nv.
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[Posted in FML issue 3180]