Dear FML:
I have a dream.a dream of a world where every ferret has a loving, informed
A dream where there is no cruelty or animal testing that goes unpunished or
unaccounted for
A dream where there is no need for shelters or shelter moms dedicating
their lives to rescue and sacrificing their health and relationships to
save just one more helpless fuzzy
A world where vets are educated and understand ferret needs
A world where legislaters can find the information and support to make
proper laws regarding ferrets.
A dream that can be reality if we use the power given to us and the
resources available to us as ferret fanciers to make these things happen.
Let's build on the momentum of Ferrets 2000 and not let the enthusiasm and
contagious joy we generated go unchannelled
Let's make the organization that can fulfill the above...
I have a dream..
[Posted in FML issue 3180]