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Danee DeVore <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 00:34:00 EDT
text/plain (20 lines)
A few days ago, in a post, I mentioned the ADV Research Fund.  I wanted to
make a few more comments on this subject.
While ADV (Aleutians Disease) may not be a major cause of ferret deaths, it
is currently affecting a number of ferrets, and may even be more widespread
then we imagine.  Many times I have read of a ferret's passing due to
unknown causes, and noticed that the symptoms described are similar to
those of ADV.  If everyone on this list donated just $20.00 to the fund, we
would have enough money to fund at least one and maybe two projects for a
year.  I would hope that most people on this list could afford a donation
of just $20.00.  And although so far the researchers that have expressed
interest in this subject have been in the US, ferrets all over the world
would benefit from this.  The AFA is now able to take credit card and Pay
Pal donations on their web site, so you don't even have to mail your
donation by snail mail.  I would urge all ferret owners to consider this
cause.  Donations to the fund are tax deductible in the US.
Danee DeVore
[Posted in FML issue 3175]