Hi everybody,
I have never posted before but I would like to share our situation with
everyone.  Last Wed.  we were horrified to find our little girl, Minnie
(albino), wedged in between a pipe and cabinet.  She was gone when we found
her.  We are not irresponsible owners and we thought their room was proofed
well...we were wrong and will now pay the worst price in losing a beautiful
little girl whom we loved and considered part of our family.  Just everyone
please check your ferrets playrooms again...please.  They are curious
little buggers and will squeeze where no one suspects...but sometimes wont
be able to get back out.
That left us with 7.  The next day we were a total mess.  Things got worse.
Our little sable girl who was so healthy and jumping and feisty up until
about 9 pm thurs night.  She went into her cage to go to sleep and we didnt
think much of it until I went to check on her because I thought it odd that
she went to sleep so early.  She is usually 1st out of cage and last into.
She had a glazed look in her eyes and was so lethargic we thought she had
passed.  Finally we got her to open her eyes and she made a horrible
squealing sound.  We rushed her to the emergency 24 vet an hour away and
they took good care of her overnight.  We picked her up at 7 am the next
morning so we could take her straight to our wonderful ferret vet.  She
died as we pulled into the vets' parking lot.
So strange how she was so energetic and full of life at 7 pm and gone by 9
am the next morning.  We are not sure of what caused it.  We ripped the
house apart trying to find a poison....nothing.  She had little red spots
all over her body and when our vet did an examination, she had blood in all
of her organs.  The little girl bled to death from the inside.  She said
that maybe it was her immune system gone haywire.  We are not really sure
The theory we like to go with is that Minnie needed some company and took
Lady along with her.  Our vet.  is such a nice person and really helped us
through this with kind words and support.  Lesson learned----Dont take
anything for granted...cherish everyday.  Sounds clique but oh so true.
Thank you for listening and for anyone grieving, our hearts go to you....
we are grieving with you.
Domenic and Brenda King
Princess, Cinnamon, Minnie(In our hearts forever), Bear, Baby, Lady(In our
hearts forever), Bandit, Honey-Brown
[Posted in FML issue 2895]