Hmmmm, My name is Ron.  Okay that is the who part.  The where part is
pretty easy.  Im in Peoria IL., but from Phoenix.  Yes I miss it, but
love the snow, if we ever get any this year.
I have 12 ferrets that bring my life joy and happiness, even Dodger who is
in rut and stinks to high heaven.
I think I found the FML about 3 years ago, when I got my first ferret, and
started searching the net for info.  I believe someone in Alt.pets.ferrets
gave me the url.
I have learned alot since then, and owe the majority of it to people
on this list.  Yes we tend to be opinionated, but it is an invaluable
resource.  I think BIG is doing a great job.
Fuzzie Dad & the Blurry Furry's
Rascal,Treble, Cocoa,Screech,Moose
Rainbow,& Sampson
Never forgetting Loki & Spaz
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[Posted in FML issue 2883]