- I work for the Narcotics Task Force.
- I am surrounded by dedicated narcotics agents.
- They have suspicious minds.
- The weather turned arctic.
- I decided to wear my enormous fake fur coat.
- I found my enormous fake fur coat lying on the floor in the back of a
- I put on my enormous fake fur coat and rushed to catch the bus.
- I noticed, once on the warm bus, that I smelled ferrets.
- I was awash in the smell of ferrets.
- No one sat by me.
- The fact that my ferrets had been playing and sleeping in my coat all
  year had eluded me.
- I had only wanted to get to work on time.
- I had only wanted to be warm.
- I put my coat on a corner chair in the office, so it wouldn't
  contaminate anyone else's coat.
- A very dedicated drug-sniffing dog, named Alphonso, came to visit.
- Alphonso fell in love with my coat.
- Alphonso did not want to ever be separated from my coat.
- Alphonso had to be dragged, whining, out of the office.
- I received many strange looks.
- I had a lot of explaining to do.
- I rushed out at noontime, in a blizzard, to buy a bottle of Chanel No. 5.
- I sprayed my coat.
- Now it smells like Chanel No. Ferret.
- And maybe I'll have to have a urine test after Christmas.
- Thank you, ferrets. Merry Christmas to you, too.
[Posted in FML issue 2907]