It is my turn.  My name is Julie, and my SO is Allen.  I work at cvs in
Savannah, Ga and he as a policeman.  I just started this FML 3 days ago,
and I absolutely love it.  I laugh and cry and get all emotional to the
sad stories.  I am owned by 4 of the most wild ones ever.
My baby is Roxanne (roxie) for short.  She is almost a year old and we got
her from a pet store here when she could fit in the palm of your hand.  She
is a dark sable, and stunning.  She definately is the boss of the brood.
Gonzo is 6 and he was adopted from Jackie Hawley, when she was in
Hinesville, Ga.  He is real light colored and has now been diagnosed with
Adrenal Gland disease.  He is a sweetheart, and loves to have his back and
head rubbed.  He fell for Roxanne first.  He is the laid back one.
Scooter came with Gonzo from Jackie.  He is 7.  He is a little darker and
the most sweetest baby in the world.  Kisses all the time, and never nips.
Jackie did wonders with those babies.
My new addition is Cinnamon (cinnie minnie) for short.  She is 3, and is
the smallest little girl of all the others.  The other 3 took her in as if
she was their baby.  She is a blaze if some sort.  Cant figure her out.
She is real sweet, and I believe thankful, because the guy who had her
before, was going to let her go in the wild as his girlfriend didnt want
her.  Such a cruel person.  She is the picky one out of them all.  I would
like to tell all who are looking into adopting a ferret, that the older
ones need homes too.  Most of them are the gentlest, sweetest, and giving
ones you will ever want to meet.  Give them a chance- they will steal your
heart.  If you would like to talk to Jackie about her older brood, or
adopting an older ferret contact her at [log in to unmask]
Thanks for listening
Julie, Roxie, Gonzo, Scooter, and Cinnie
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[Posted in FML issue 2895]