From:    Dale Nupp <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Roaning Question
>I am thinking about showing one of my sabes at the WarmFuzzy show in
>February.  She does have significant hind leg roaning.  In a
>non-championship show, do judges typically mark down a fuzzy for roaning?
Depends upon the specialty.  IN a sable specialty, yes.  You are looking
for the best example of a good sable.  Not a sable roan or a mitt or an
albino.  The roaning would not count off as badly as the albino for sure.
In specialties that are not color specialties color counts very little.
Rings such as a Marshall Farms specialty are far more general and are
similar to championship rings.  Color shouldn't meant oo much in those.
LIFE judges do not judge color specialties that way though.  They treat
them the same as championship rings.  I prefer keeping specialites as
specialties as it gives other ferrets a chance.  A chubby ferret that
would do badly in championship could still prove hsi or her worth by
being just an oh so beautiful chocolate.  Or a overly long ferret could
have a remarkable set of mitts.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2894]