I'm glad that people are enjoying the Ferret Poem Book.  When I finished
the second edition, I think that I mentioned that any shelters that were
unable to download or print a copy to assist in fundraising should
contact me, and I would get them a hard copy.  Well, only a few
contacted me, which was great since I was so busy then.  I did print up
25 copies of the book though, most of which I still have.  So....
If there are any shelters out there who need a copy (unbound) for
fundraising, please let me know and I'll get a copy to you (no charge).
Otherwise, I have about 25 copies that I will bind and mail to folks
with two stipulations.
1) You pay me for postage and a bit of repro ($5.00)
2) You promise to make an additional donation of time and/or money to
one of the shelters (above your regular contribution)
Of course this is a first come, first serve, and shelters have priority.
The THIRD EDITION is tenatively scheduled for May 1, 2000.  So keep
writing wonderful poems, song and fairy tales.
[Posted in FML issue 2894]