Hi all
I did not think or I would have posted this before.  Permission is given to
anyone to copy, reproduce, print, post on a web page, take a picture of or
any methods you use and give to anyone that may be interested in reading
anything that Sandee's writes.  I sometimes post several greetings in one
message for the only reason that "Big" will only have one message to
reformat and work with and not several scattered ones and to keep the
message count down.  I do not do this to belittle any particular greeting.
Feel free to remove any portion that does not apply to you if you wish.
But I have only two things to ask.  Please do not alter any of the wording
or word content.  Let the words be Sandee's and the second thing is that
whatever portion you use leave Sandee's signature attached to it.
Thank you.  I wish all of you and your owners, the fuzzbutts a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Sandee's human
[Posted in FML issue 2893]