>From:    "Butts, Jennifer" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: To those outside of the USA
>I was having diner with a couple of people from England and one from
>Germany last night and I can not remember how it came up but we started
>talking about our pets and I mentioned something about toys.  Well,
>apparently none of them had ever heard of getting toys for your pets!
Well - rest asured that folks in Australia give their pets toys as well -
and many of the ferrets here live outdoors, as well!  Lost of folks make
their own toys as well.  Right, Tara?  Tara has made lots of CHEAP toys
for her fuzzkins . .`.
>But the one guy kept saying he thought they were still wild and couldn't
>believe all the wild animals that were sold as pets in the US!
Was he from England?  Ferrets and polecats look EXACTLY alike.  He may be
relating wild polecats to pet ferrets.  He is just ignorant on the subject.
<g>  Lots of folks I talk to in Australia are not too ferret keen as well
(many think of them as working animals - not pets).  It shocks them to no
end when I tell them that my pets are smat enough to roll over and sit up -
just like a dog - and use a litter pan - just like a cat!  <g>
Amy Flemming
Perth, Western Australia
[Posted in FML issue 2891]