>From:    Karen Schuttinga <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Jumping on the bandwagon
>And Bandit, a 10-month old and I am not sure of his color anymore since
>he shed his coat.  [...] He has a V-shaped mask, and his upper back and
>neck are white and he has a triangle shaped patch of dark on the top of
>his head.  (The bottom points of the triangle touch his ears).  I am
>wondering if he is still considered a Siamese?
Yes.  Though the "official" name in American Ferret Association terminology
is Point.  Fine Point is a point that is especially 'white' on the body so
Bandit might even be that.
Siamese to the Marshall Farms people is chocolate color regardless of
pattern to most other ferret color name standards (or non-standards) by
the way...
>From:    "Shortley, Lisa" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Yellow fur?
>I heard that this could be due to a high chicken diet.  I do feel them
>8 in 1 Ultimate ferret diet.  Could this be the cause?
Its not the chicken.  Its the dye in the chicken fat which comes from the
chicken feed as we understand it anyway.
It could be that.  We don't use that particular feed nor know the source
of its chicken ingredients.
Its most likely not a serious problem.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2891]