Hi, I'm Melissa and I live in Phoenix, AZ with my husband Gary and the
following furry kids:
Merlin - 11y Border Collie/X
Nimue (Nimway) - 2y German Shepherd
And the Ferrets:
Meeko was our first ferret. She's about 6'ish and fiesty but very sweet.  The
undisputed Queen.  She once tried to drag ME under the bed by the ear.
Percy was our first boy.  He is perfect.  No, seriously, he is beautiful,
well-behaved even as a kit (NEVER nips or bites) and if you have a headache
or stomach ache he can take it away by lying on the painfull area.  I AM NOT
KIDDING, It's truly amazing.
After Percy I thought "Aha! boys are easier than girls, I will get another
boy."  Someone was listening...along comes Snoopy.  A biter, drew blood
often, very fearfull, catatonic if the vacuum cleaner is on.  He digs in the
litter pan if he is bored.  Many years later and lots of love he is very
sweet. It sounds weird but every time he bit I would hold him in a time out.
I would hold him often and tell him he was loved.  Now is my special loving
Bear is the wildman, deaf and VERY vocal.  I wish the "Beastmaster" people
would just tape him instead of those squeeky noises.  He snores, he mumbles
in his sleep and he "dooks" constantly.  The only problem is when he plays
rough with the others he can't hear their "too rough" screeches. :)
Thats us.
Melissa and the zoo
[Posted in FML issue 2890]