Hi all, even though I have subscribed to the FML for over 3 yrs here's a
little background.  I am from Pittsburgh PA.  I am owned by Taz (5 1/2 yr
old female sable diagnosed with Lymphoma) and Peanut (2 yr old female
sable).  Taz was an only ferret up to 3 mo ago and I got Peanut because she
had been thru 3 different families in her short life..  Taz does NOT like
other ferrets.  I have tried to socialize her with Peanut but no cigar..
she literally wants to destroy Peanut.  Taz enjoys the company of people
and seems to be contented with that.  So as not to stress her out anymore
than she is she can still be queen of the house...Taz is and will always be
my hero because she had opened me up to a whole new world and she was the
one who helped me thru a very difficult time in my life just by being a
ferret.  Peanut was a bad biter and a very timid ferret when I brought her
home.  When she got scared (which was often) she would leave a trail of
droppings..  She also bit quite often, mostly out of fear I believe.  She
soon come to trust me and to this day will not even nip at me even when
provoked but my husband and two sons cannot claim that..  She will
literally come up to them and bite and run..I should be so brave..hehehe.
I belong to the Three Rivers Ferret Club (Pittsburgh PA) and try to be of
help to our Ferret Shelter --PFRA - Greensburg branch....Well enough.of
me..  Well wishes to all the ill little ones and condolences to all to have
lost a precious fuzzy.
Jackie  Taz and Peanut
[Posted in FML issue 2889]