Hi all,
I know this late in coming but here is ours.  We aer Dave and Tamara from
Olympia, WA.  We have 6 human kids and 4 fuzzy kids.  We are very new
owners compared to most of you.  We got our 1st baby mid Aug.  We were on
lists before that though just to make sure what we were getting into with
We got 3 of our fuzzies as rescues and one we bought at a pet store that I
have to admit was trating the ferrets great.  They were in the front area
of the store and had tons of area to run the right kind of bedding, food,
water, toys, and this wasn't even a cage just an open area with glass
around it.  You had to ask to see them andthey would get them out for you.
Any way we bought Snow White from them and as you can guess from her name
she is a female albino.  Now she is 7 months old.  She is such a sweet
Our 1st fuzzy and rescue is COCO she is a sable and is 2 yo old this month.
She is our tiny one but the most dosile ferret we have ever seen.  We got
her 2 weeks before we could get Snow so that they could have playmates.
There was no fighting with them just COCO showing Snow that she was oplder
and in charge.  It lasted for about 20 minutes and was over.
The boys Buster and Smokey are about 1 1/2 years old and are huge compared
to our girls.  They were badly abused when found and full of fleas.  When
Liane brought them down to us they looked great all cleaned up and
everything.  They are both sables too.
The hardest thing about the boys is that they are true biters to the point
of drawing blood with us and the kids.  But we aren't giving up on them.
They are ours and we won't give the back... We are just careful when we let
them out that none of the kids are up.  We just show them lots of love and
attention.  They have gotten better since we got them but still have their
Will we ever be a ferret free family again NO WAY!!!!
Dave &Tamara
6 kids
4 fuzzy kids
[Posted in FML issue 2889]