Thanks if you can help.  Need access to literature, papers, or journal
articles that describe the GI tract enzymes of the common or wild ferret.
Suspect that studies have been done on definintion of enzymatic
constituents of the ferret's GI tract and would like help in getting to
such paper.
Spasebo.  (R) Thanks.  Edward Edwardovich Lipinski, Czar of FNW
Nota bene: At the risk of being boring, please also consider my twice
repeated plea for donating your ferret's remains to FNW for an expected 5
year study of ferret dentition.  FNW is to attempt researching the
possibility that the close study and categorizing the morphology of the
ferret's dentition (deceased ferrets only) and other skull parameters will
provide a definitive guide to determining the age of a living ferret by
close examination of the ferret's teeth.  FNW anticipates that a minimum
of 60 subject ferrets are needed initially.
It is most important that only those ferrets whose age is documented
(birth date known) can qualify for this study.  Also sibling ferrets are
especially requested as are kits of any age.  Arrangement for transport of
deceased ferret is to be between your vet and my vet so as not to run afoul
of public health concerns.  FNW to pay all transport costs.
Dzjankuya (P.) Thank you.  Pan Edju Lipinski
[Posted in FML issue 2888]