Hood defeated his first four opponents and was to face the sheriffs man
next.When he stepped into the circle,he found he was facing the sheriff
himself,and knew he'd have a tough fight.In fact,he wasn't at all sure he
could defeat him.
The sheriff made a lunge as Hoods back was turned,but Hood had seen his
shadow and jumped sideways."Bad form, Knotingham," quipped Hood "Can't you
do better than that." Hood knew if he could anger the sheriff,he wouldn't
fight as well and might make a mistake.He dashed in and caught the sheriff
on the ankle,drawing first blood.The sheriff was livid.No one had ever
drawn first blood on him.
The fight continued on for ten minutes,with neither gaining an advantage.
Hood could tell the sheriff was getting tired,and truth be told,he was
feeling weary.As the sheriff lunged at him again,he danced in and bit his
thigh,but the pain in his tail told him he hadn't escaped unscathed.The
sheriffs face was red with effort and anger,and as he leaned in aiming to
get Hood again,Hood saw his chance.He bit down and held on to the sheriffs
wrist.The sheriff dropped his sword and was trying desperately to shake
Ferret Hood loose.He realized he was not going to get him off,so he called
the guards in to help.All the spectators started yelling,foul,foul,but the
guards separated Hood and the sheriffs wrist and took him,at the sheriffs
orders,to be killed.Over the roar of the crowd still yelling foul,one voice
could be heard screaming no.
As Hood was about to be skewered,an authoritative voice barked,"Hold!".All
turned to look,and saw Sprite Marion standing next to King Valentine,the
ferret faced.All the jills loved him,they say his whiskers tickle when he
King Valentine glared at the sheriff,who just stared at the ground.The
guards released Ferret Hood,and Sprite Marion went to stand by his side.
"I know what's been going on in my absence, Sheriff ",the King began,"I
know you and that usurper Prince Litterbox have been robbing the poor and
sending defenseless ferrets to parts unknown.I've already scared the crap
out of Litterbox,and banished him from our lands."The king caught the
sheriffs eye and continued."You too are hereby banished and have one day to
get out of my sight and never return.Maybe you and Litterbox will end up
somewhere else,confiscating ferrets,like the evil doers you are,but you
won't darken my doorstep ever again,upon pain of death."
King Valentine turned to Ferret Hood and his merry mustelids and spoke
sternly,but with a smile,"As for you and your men Hood,you will be given
back all that was so wrongly taken,and NO more stealing,any of you.You're
too good at it.."
Hood bowed his head acknowledging his King,but knew in his heart that
stealing was so ingrained now that they would continue their thieving
ways,even if it was only the not so valuable that was taken.  "Bow down,"
commanded King Valentine.When Ferret Hood had done so,Valentine tapped him
on both shoulders with his sword and said,"I dub thee Sir Ferret of Dook."
Ferret Hood stood up,smiled proudly at the King,and looked at all his old
friends,and at the enchanting Sprite Marion.He knew in his heart that this
was only the beginning of the adventure.
As translated from the dook by Sandy and the Dooksters
Bet you're glad that's over.
[Posted in FML issue 2887]