I have come across a situation recently and I would like to get the opinion
of the people on this list.
This particular incident involves litter, but it has happened with other
companies and other products in the past.  I am getting a little weary of
"ferret prejudice".  I currently hold two positions that give me the
capacity to recommend good products for ferrets to a large number of
people.  I have been using and recommending Feline Pine litter for the last
4 years.  I have been very satisfied with the product.  A new pine litter,
Dr. Elsyes came on the market and I decided to try it.  It is a bit cheaper
and you get one pound more per bag.  I was stopped in the store by a
demonstrator for Feline Pine.  She asked why I was buying this instead of
their product.  We conversed for a while and she told me that Feline Pine
had a breeder's club.  Since I buy 400 pounds of Feline Pine per month,
she thought that I would qualify.  She said it was for cats, but at the
quantity I buy she did not see why the fact that I am a ferret breeder
would matter.
Well it seems that it does.  The response from the company was that if
enough ferret breeders were interested they might possibly expand to a
ferret breeder's club.  Right now no matter what quantity you buy, you do
not qualify if you do not breed cats.  Feline Pine has had a table at many
ferret shows recently giving out coupons to get people to try their litter.
It is a good product, but the company has left me feeling like I should
do their footwork for them.  Should I go around twisting other ferret
breeder's arms to buy their litter so that I can form a ferret breeder's
club?  I don't think so.  I would like to hear other people's opinions on
this.  Should the loyalty of a customer and the amount of purchase qualify
you for a breeder's club (which is basically a discount) or should the type
of animal that you breed?  If you are lining your driveway with it after
you buy it what should they care as long as you continue to buy it?
[Posted in FML issue 2887]