Please allow me to introduce myself (sorry, Mick just seems to say that
My name is Lisa Leidig, and I run a 501(c)3 non-profit ferret shelter in
Virginia Beach, VA - The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea".  I have been on the
FML since late 1995/early 1996, I can't remember exactly when, but its
been quite a ride! <grin>
My real job is much more boring - I am an Information Systems Consultant,
specializing in HP 3000 machines. I am lucky -- my SO loves the ferrets as
much as I do (he's a big softie) and helps out with the cleaning, care and
maintenance of the shelter. The only thing he doesn't do is help with the
books...but I think its because I didn't give him the passwords! LOL
I own 6 personal ferrets now, and the shelter usually has between 18 and 28
shelter kids at any point.  Right now we have 19, with a couple of young
ones (under 8mo of age - and both mitts).  I have owned ferrets since 1985,
and one of my first ferrets Wolf, was my longest-lived -- 10 1/2.  My six
personal ferrets are: Haven's Die Schwarze Jagerine, or Diana, my german
black sable sweetie, aka the pocket rocket; Haven's Legends of Beowulf, or
Buster, Diana's brother -- a bulldog sable with roaning; Dijon, my light
silver senior, aka Dijonnaise or the condiment ferret; Pele, Dijon's
sister, a sable girl with a lot of hidden fire; Misha our resident
knucklehead, a big-eared, lopsided cute-as-a-button sable boy; and Bruiser,
our very smart thinks-hes-in-charge (Dijon/Diana rule, though) standard
sable boy.  How many ferrets have I owned?  18 - Sable, Sasha, Wolf,
Nicodemus, Shadow, Rascal, Jezebel, Bandit, Yod He Vawhe, Independence
Morticia of DBF, Pandamonium, Guinevere, plus my six now.  How many have
come through my doors as a shelter?  Almost 400 -- and some have stayed for
a while, others came and found a new home right away.  Some were showed the
first bit of love and caring that I think they had ever had - others were
nursed back to health.  Sheltering is one of the hardest and most rewarding
things that I have ever done - but I wouldn't trade it for anything.  That
first 'kiss' from a shelter kid, their first wardance - going out to their
new home - makes the tragedies and neglect worth bearing.
I 'do' the shows nearby - both AFA and LIFE.  I am currently a licensed
LIFE Championship judge - and I enjoy the opportunity to see firsthand some
of the breeder ferrets and personal pets and be allowed to handle them.  I
can be seen at shows as far away as the Columbus, OH show - and usually the
closer shows to me (PA, NJ, NC, MD).
I can't remember how I found the FML, and since I was sheltering before my
discovery, its been a godsend - for exchanging information, finding new
friends across the world, new techniques/tips, sharing stories of
heartbreak and success, and always ferrets, ferrets, ferrets.  BIG is the
only moderator that I have known, and he is a fine one!  Thanks Bill, for
all that you do :)
Lisa, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
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[Posted in FML issue 2886]