Jim called me to come home from work and we rushed all the ferrets to the
vet and Dr. Susan was waiting for us and took us in when we got there.
Couple of them are not feeling good.  She asked for us to bring what we
were using to clean the poop up with.  We found out what caused Otis death.
It is called "Mean Green" a cleaner that was being used to wash the poop
stains up with.  It is going back to the store for money refund and a
letter written to the company also.
Thank you all for the emails, some wanted to know why no blood work, Otis
was not able to go under for it to be done.  That probably would killed him
right there.  I will try to answer the last ones I got as soon as I can.
Dr. Susan gave us some meds for the stomache and we are hoping this will
help and we will not lose the rest of the Fuzzies.
This has been the worse feeling for Jim knowing that he caused a death one
of the Fuzzies.  Jim has severe depression, disable from his work.  He is
brow beating himself and as I told him, Otis and the Ferrets knows that you
didn't mean to do it.  Jim loves these babies so much that I am afraid that
he might end up in the hospital because of this.  He is so emtional, it
takes him down to the point of sickness takes a toll on him.
I would never stop having Ferrets, I am in love with them.
Marie and Jim 6 Fur Kidlets who are missing Tazz and Otis
[Posted in FML issue 2913]