FML Readership,
I am sorry to say-- the CA ferrets have one more opponent to face-- this
one as ignorant it seems as those that sit in agreement.  Not because they
differ in views, but because their biased thinking has prohibited them from
reading and learning truths.  I thought in all fairness to those of you on
the list-- I needed to share.
In my daily routine of sheltering and trying to make things better for our
domesticated ferrets I had been contacted by persons stating they were
working toward a cause of eliminating ferret mills worldwide... these
statements came from sources amongst the PETA organization.  While I admit
they are a scary group-- with some real extreme histories on animals-- I
thought, what the heck-- it IS the cause.  As you can imagine this is
becoming one heck of a ride!
A second organization which is identified as AVAR - (American Veterinarians
for Animal Rights)
I contacted this group asking for them to consider -- within their puppy
mill campaign -- to extend the campaign to the ferret mills.  Heck every
shelterer who takes in 50 or more pet store ferrets each year gets to this
state of mind.  Well, to my amusement perhaps amazement, I received as
reply.  AVAR had indeed filed complaints in two states MI and NY but only
against the practice within the mills of using lay persons for neuter
procedures.  I guess that is something-- but not exactly what I hoped for.
Then -- Lo and behold they admitted they are opposed to legalization in
CA -- WHAT?  You bet, they opposed -- now it is my turn to take up the
chalice of opposition.
In a civil correspondence with Teri the AVAR rep., I have several times
tried to explain the errs ( in my view) of their AVAR's) ways-- there are
many ferrets in CA, living as pets , heck perhaps even multiplying.  Who
would expect anything other, after all cats and dogs do too!  I wanted them
to see that education not misinformation was the key there is already
PLENTY of that in CA .This is what I got back in response:
>Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 12:55:42 -0800
>To: Ferret Wise Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
>From: AVAR <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Introduction
>Alicia: I am perplexed by your response.  If we are to help, we have to
>expose the situation with ferret breeding. You asked me to expose the
>problems with ferret mills - we did.  The reason ferrets are ending up
>in shelters is because they are becoming unwanted, like cats and dogs.
>Legalizing them in California will ensure more ferrets in shelters and,
>subsequently, euthanized.  Yes, we are aware there are many thousands of
>ferrets already in California.  However, they are not being confiscated
>nor is the Dept of Fish and Game going after these people.  They also are
>able to get vet care.  Yes, I realize that, because of the way the laws
>are written, Marshall Farms has been allowed to proceed with inappropriate
>surgical procedures.  However, the licensing board recognizes that this is
>inappropriate and had agree to evaluate the matter.  The question is
>whether the individuals performing the surgery are the 'owners' of the
>animals.  We don't believe they are.  The MN board of licensing agrees
>that the law needs to be clarified.  We have asked them to do this.  Teri
You see -- they AVAR are NOT concerned with Animal Rights!  They are only
concerned with WHO is breeding ferrets, not that the ferrets in CA have
rights -- the right to be pets, the right for decent veterinary care
without the threat of seizure!!!  Holy cow!  I think I have found another
name for PETA... but I could be wrong.
In response to AVAR reply I wrote:
Hello Again Teri.
I am not sure why you are so perplexed about my response.  I did not write
to you as an anti-pet agency-- but are you?  It is not illegal for people
to allow a dog to have puppies, a cat to have kittens, why should it be so
alarming that ferrets kept in that state can also reproduce.  The animals
are there-- and they are capable of reproducing BECAUSE they are NOT from
the ferret mills!  The ferrets do not reproduce knowing they are in
violation of laws drawn from ignorance.... but CA F&G and you folks do...
unless you are way behind in your reading.
I know that this is an argument that no one knows how to broach -- the
facts are that the animals will reproduce-- I can't change that, you can't
change that -- barring setting up stings and invading the civil rights of
all people in the state of California to murder their healthy well loved
pets.  That is not something that anyone I know of except maybe PETA
radicals who think no animals should be pets would do -- for example when
mink were freed only to attack and kill each other-- remember that one?
I feel that it is a backwards ploy you take at trying to keep domesticated
ferrets from being legal in California -- one state only in the US ( with
the exception of Hawaii).  Why do you persist at forcing owners to keep
their beloved pets in fear?  -- just because they live in a particular
state?  Is this senseable to you?  There are existing shelters in place in
CA.  The CA F&G are aware of this .  The CDFA, FA and other CA groups have
gone to great length to protect confiscated ferrets and get them safely out
of state when the need arises.  I ask what good does your stance make on
this issue.  Mills yes indeed ferret mills I asked for your help in ridding
the lab providers-- not in taking pets away from loving homes with human
caretakers who provide nourishment, veterinary care for the love of their
pets.  Something is awry I am sure-- but what does the ferret mill issue
have to do with pet ferrets?
I certainly do not know who breeds ferrets in CA-- I am on the east coast.
I do know it happens-- every day.  I communicate with many folks-- and if
I knew where they were I wouldn't sacrifice their pets for an issue which
seems to have no bearing on the issue I contacted you about-- laboratory
animals-- particularly ferrets which are supplied by the ferret mills.
I do have contact with many sources in the ferret community, but I am
likely to say you seem not to be a friend to ferrets, but rather a foe.
Your concern is who is breeding an illegal pet?  NOT that the pet should
not be termed illegal -- except for the unknowing souls which have
deliberately confused the issues.  A ferret is NOT a wild animal, a ferret
is NOT a captured animal, a ferret in then United States is NOT a feral
animal.  They are DOMESTICATED, first arrived in this country as rodent
control and rabbitting with the early settlers on sailing ships.  A ferret
is a pet, like the dog and cat.  There is much material about this already.
The CDC has done numbers of tests and deem the ferret a lesser risk for
spreading rabies through an exposure than both the canine and feline
companions.  I only ask that you consider these points and not confuse the
issues.  I personally feel you are doing a dis service to the ferret and
those who would like to keep their pets in CA.  After all I spend many
volunteer hours caring for ferrets in shelter environment.  I see both
sides of the issue on a daily basis.  Unless you want to exterminate all
pets-- why do you persist in trying to eliminate this choice of pet for a
select group of people?
The ferret community needs to educate people, vets and professionals.
Until the confusion on what is legal and what is not is resolved, this
cannot be done.  I believe that you are putting a cart before a horse in
your stance to uphold the illegal status in CA.  That is all.  So sorry I
could not provide you with more than generalities-- but IF your
informational sources are accurate they should be able to provide you with
the information you request-- I will be watching and others I expect will
be too!
There it is in a nutshell CA battles rage on thanks to yet another
uneducated and uncaring organization ( in MY opinion) -- we need to
continue educating -- or these other groups will try to turn the tables
on us-- so sorry it is LONG!
[Posted in FML issue 2913]