I have had a cold (possible strep throat)since Dec.  24 eve, sore throat,
ear ache, and started on an antibiotic on Dec.  26 eve, how long do I have
to stay away from my fuzzies??  I was told to stay away from people until I
had been on the antibiotic for a full 24 hrs.  I was prescribed Amoxi 250mg
3 times a day; but I've been taking 2 (500mg) 3 times a day....figured more
would work faster!  I don't want my babies to get sick, but I really miss
holding them and playing with them.  Does anyone know when its safe for me
to be around them again?
Mulder: The world didn't end.
Scully: No it didn't.
[Posted in FML issue 2912]