Hi, Liz!  If you search on the FML archives, you'll find that MANY
subscribers use it on their ferrets.  I do so myself (with the blessing
of my vet), and it helped my little Paddington Bear get better after
conventional antibiotics had failed.  I'm so glad I used it; he probably
wouldn't be here today if I hadn't.
Use of colloidal silver has been a big, contentious issue when discussed on
the list in the past, and BIG has had to call a halt to further discussions
of it for that reason.  If you search the FML archives, though, or start
asking around to various shelters, you should be able to get the info. you
need and personal anecdotes on colloidal silver usage.  It's also a part
of one of Timmy's treatments (not the Timmy's Tonic, but the complete
treatment), which many subscribers have used.
- Ela
Ela Heyn
Harborside Mail Stop 3024
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[Posted in FML issue 2884]