I haven't posted for a very long time.  I've told a few close friends, but
now I'm going to try my best not to cry and post publicly, and I want to do
this before the new year.
It's Jade Elaine he's gone
Oh boy, I knew I couldn't do this without crying.....
Jade's Adrenalectomy was scheduled for November 17th.  The surgery was a
great success, but when Debbie was closing him up, Jade Elaine went into
cardiac arrest.  Debbie tried to "hold" him, but Jade didn't want to be
Debbie called me at work to tell me the news, she was crying and I started
crying.  I was kind of in a shock mode.  I left work and went home.  When I
walked into the house, it hit me hard.  I sat for a bit, and then went to
the vet to see Jade one last time.  Debbie said I could stay with him for
as long as I needed.  I held him for a while and told him how much I loved
him and that I would never, never forget him nor the impact that he has had
in my life.  I had him privately cremated and put into his apple urn.  When
my time comes to pass, we will be buried together.
I owe Jade a lot ya know, he knew not to cross on my birthday, (16th).  He
had the good grace to leave me on what he though was the best/appropriate
acceptable terms for me.  I do not regret putting him through the surgery
one iota, he needed that surgery for a better quality of life.
It's been over a month now and I still find it extremely difficult to
write and talk about him.  A part of me died with Jade that will never be
resurrected again.  It doesn't mean that I will never love again, it's just
that a part of me is gone that was Jade's and Jade's alone.
Dai Mai, my little female, misses him terribly.  It was heartbreaking to
watch her look and look for Jade Elaine.  After looking, Dai Mai would go
to what was their sleepy sac and wait.....
I did get another little ferret.  I named her Amber-Lynn.  I was a little
frustrated with her at first, cause she didn't have the same likes, actions
that Jade had.  Now granted, I would be the 1st to admit that there will
simply never, never be another Jade Elaine.  But somewhere inside I wanted
her to be Jade.  The bond is setting in now for Amber-Lynn and I, and
that's what I was longing for.  She really is a darling little sweetie.
She certainly is an original :o) The mould was definitely broken :o)
I wanted so much for Jade to be with me this New Year's Eve.  I guess in
spirit he will be :o)
I don't quite know what else to say, but believe me when I say this, I know
Jade Elaine is alive and well in his place, and he's waiting for me.
Until we meet again my precious boy, remember our promise, I love you and
I will never, never forget you @->->-
  Jadesun, Dai Mai n' Amber-Lynn
  terribly missing Jade Elaine :o(
[Posted in FML issue 2912]